Job Lifetime

A DomainMCF job progresses through a series of states during its lifetime. These are summarised in the diagram below:

A DomainMCF job starts off as a Draft. At this point, the job only exists on the client side (i.e. within your local application). When you submit the job, it is marked as Submitted. DomainMCF begins Uploading the job to the server side (the MCF). When it has Uploaded, it is then Queued for processing. When an MCF resource becomes available to process your job, it is marked as In Progress. When the processing is Finished, the results are available on the server.

A job can be Cancelled when it is in an Active state (refer to diagram). If a job is cancelled before it has finished uploading, it can be restarted. After uploading, a cancelled job cannot be restarted.

If a job fails to upload successfully, or processing fails for any reason, its state reverts back to Submitted. An error message is shown in the job list. A failed job can be restarted.

A job can be Deleted when it is in a Static state (refer to diagram). Deleting a job will cancel any processing, and will delete any data that was uploaded as well as the output block model.