Preferred Sequence and Preferred Sequence (Tree View)

Predetermined sequences can be arranged using the Preferred Sequence and Preferred Sequence (Tree View) tabs. To create a preferred sequence, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Preferred Sequence tab from the Viewer Manager tabs.
  2. Click the to open the Preferred Sequence panel.
  3. Select resources then go to the next panel.
  4. Select activities to be performed by the selected resource and go to the next section.
  5. Name the sequence and select the preferred sequence configuration from the following options:
    1. Follow sequence from head only — A resource will only follow the sequence if the first solid in that sequence is available for mining.
    2. Stop following on missing task — The sequence is stopped if a task from the sequence has already been processed elsewhere.
    3. Stand down if sequence is blocked — If the solid is unavailable to mine due to a dependency, the equipment is stood down until the solid becomes available.

  6. Click Finish.
  7. Open the Preferred Sequence tab and notice that the newly added sequence listed, but no solids attached to the sequence.
  8. To add solids, go to the Preferred Sequence (Tree View).
  9. Place solids in order, by adding sequential dependencies.