6. Analyse the Schedule

Analyse your Epoch scheduling results using the Live dashboard. Learn more about the Live Dashboard.

For external analysis, export your schedule data in the following formats:

  • As end of period solids
    Export the aggregated mined solids or triangulations per period. Learn more about exporting end of period solids.

  • As end of period surfaces
    Export the aggregated active face per period. Learn more about exporting end of period surfaces.

  • As triangulations by period
    To export triangulations by period, click under the Viewer. Select a folder to save your triangulations in.

  • As a CSV

    • Schedule Data
      To export schedule data as a CSV, click under the Viewer. Enter a file name to save your data. You will create three separate datasets: one suffixed MaterialTable, one suffixed ActivityTable and one suffixed HaulageTable.

    • Haulage Records
      To export haulage records as a CSV, click under the Viewer. Enter a file name to save your data. You will create

Note: These options are only available in the Viewer tab. The idea is that you generate a schedule and immediately analyse your results, rather than accessing a saved schedule from the Project Explorer.