Project Options

To view the Maptek Evolution Options, select the Options button.

The Maptek Evolution Options panel contains five separate tabs: Standard, Block Model Viewer, Server Communications, Strategy and Epoch.


The Standard tab in the Maptek Evolution Options panel allows the setting and resetting of the application layout.

Block Model Viewer

The Block Model Viewer tab on the options screen allows you to toggle settings such as Viewer Projection and the Mouse.

Server Communications

The settings here provide the option to have Maptek Evolution go online (connect to the server) when the application is launched.

The schedule result confirmation box can also be toggled.

This tab can also be used to set the interval for checking pending jobs.


The Strategy tab appears if the Maptek Evolution Strategy license has been purchased and allows toggling of the Advanced Options tab.


The Epoch tab appears if the Maptek Evolution Epoch license has been purchased. It contains options for displaying equipment text in the Viewer, options for displaying the Gantt table and keys for each schedule playback control.