Export as solids

Evolution allows you to export end of period solids so that they can create an updated topography in Vulcan.

To export end of period solids:

  1. Open the Schedule Viewerby double-clicking a schedule in the Project Explorer.

  2. Schedule some solids using the Schedule Viewer Control toolbar.

  3. Click the Export end of period solids icon in the Schedule Viewer Control toolbar.

  4. A new panel will appear. Select models and click Next.
  5. Choose the export settings (scheduled solids or remaining solids) and click Next.
  6. Choose the type of export i.e. in total or per period and click Next.
  7. Choose the file export format (Vulcan triangulation or DXF) and click Next.
  8. Save the location and click Finish.
  9. The exported file can be dragged into the Viewer.