Material movement

The material movement target is a variance which is set per period. This value represents the degree of accuracy required when the software is aiming for the end of period targets set in the Calendar > Calendar tab.

Other tabs which form part of the material movement objective: Fleet Code, Parcel Digger Productivity and Calendar.

Fleet Code

The Fleet Code tab is used to assign diggers to regions of the model with specific attribute values. For example, diggers can be assigned to parts of the model based on lithology or stage.

Parcel Digger Productivity

The Parcel Digger Productivity tab is used to define the rate of material transfer for each digger per parcel. The duration is commonly a parcel-based equation written in a script field. The following is an example of a production duration in digger hours:

Production (digger hours) = parcel.Tonnage/1100, where the denominator is a fixed rate in tonnes per digger hour.


Material Objectives are used to control the waste variance tolerance for each period of the schedule.

Evolution uses the waste tolerance to control how hard the scheduler must work during each period to achieve the movement target.

A higher percentage number will generate a lower fitness, where as a lower percentage variance will result in the scheduler refining the result based on a higher fitness value.