Task Lists

The Task Lists tab allows you to view and edit task lists in the schedule viewer. This way, you can automatically see how changes to your task lists affect the schedule.

To refine task lists in the viewer tab, follow these steps:

  1. Select the viewer tab from the Setup Configuration tabs. The viewer window will appear in the workspace.

  2. Select the Task Lists tab from the View Manager tabs. The Task Lists tab will appear.



    We recommend opening a live dashboard or pivot while you edit the task lists. This allows you to see the impact of your changes on the schedule, while you make the changes. For more information on the live dashboard and pivots, see Live Dashboard and Pivot Reporting.

  3. Select how you wish to view the task lists. You can select from the By Task List or By Resource tabs in the Task Lists Tabs area. By default, Epoch displays the By Task List tab.

  4. Refine the task lists. You can do this by using the following:

    • Importing a task list

    • Editing a task list

    • Creating a new task list

      Importing a task list

      To import a task list in the viewer, see Importing task lists.

      Editing a task list

      To edit a task list in the viewer, follow these steps:

      1. Select the task list you wish to edit from the Task Lists field.

      2. Edit the task list using the following operations:

        • To edit the colour of a task list in the viewer, select the drop-down corresponding to the desired task list. A colour palette drop-down will appear, allowing you to select the desired colour.

        • To show a task list in the viewer, select next to the desired task list. Alternately, to hide the task list, select .

        • To select multiple tasks in a task list, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:

          • To select a contiguous group of tasks, use Shift.
          • To select a non-contiguous group of tasks, use Ctrl.
        • To add tasks to a task list, see Steps on adding tasks to a task list.

        • To remove a task from a task list, select the task and click . You can also delete multiple tasks by selecting the tasks (using Crtl or Shift) and clicking .

        • To move a task to a different position in the task list, you can drag the task to the desired position. You can also select a group of tasks (using Crtl or Shift) and drag the group to a new position in the task list.

      Creating a new task list

      To create a new task list in the viewer, follow these steps:

      1. Click . Epoch will add a new task list to the Task Lists area.

      2. Click in the Task List Viewer.

        The Task Templates panel will appear.

      3. Add tasks to the task list.

      4. Optionally, add ending conditions to the tasks.

      5. Optionally, choose to skip unavailable tasks by selecting the Skip unavailable tasks filter.

      6. Re-validate the schedule. After making the desired changes, Epoch will prompt you to re-validate the schedule in the Schedule Playback tab. Select either Quick Validate or Advanced Validate.