Stage Release

The Staging > Stage Release tab was set up to indicate which stages are available for mining on a per period basis. Stages that are made available can have additional, tonnage-based constraints applied to them. These constraints are summarised below:

Constraint Restriction Description
Tonnage Constraint (TC) Equal to Constrains the material set as Tonnes in Flowchart > Configuration > Pit. Once the tonnage has been achieved, the stage becomes unavailable for the selected period.
Ore Constraint (OC) Equal to Constrains the material set as Ore Tonnage in Flowchart > Configuration > Mill. Once the ore tonnage has been achieved, the stage becomes unavailable for the selected period.
Tonnage Target (TT) Minimum amount Refers to the material set as Tonnes in Flowchart > Configuration > Pit. The stage must achieve a minimum ore and waste tonnage for the selected period.
Ore Target (OT) Minimum amount Refers to the material set as Ore Tonnage in Flowchart > Configuration > Mill. The stage must achieve a minimum ore tonnage for the selected period.
Maximum Constraint (MC) Maximum amount The stage may achieve up to a maximum tonnage. Once this tonnage has been achieved, the stage becomes unavailable for the selected period.


The Stage Release tab can be used to group stages. To create a stage group:

  1. Go to the Configuration tab.
  2. Add the stage group by clicking and selecting the checkboxes.

To delete a stage group:

  1. Select the stage group from the list and click .