Sink Rate

The Sink Rate is the mining duration per bench. It limits the vertical advance rate of the schedule based on the total tonnes available for mining on a bench and the corresponding dig rate.

This constraint allows for variable dig or production rates based on definitions that you provide. For example, a bench may have just enough area and therefore tonnes for one digger per unit of area. In that case, you can define these values and reference a dig rate for the single unit. However, if the tonnes on a bench are more than this specified range, Origin will check the constraint setup and use the appropriate mining rate defined by the larger bench tonnage.

  • Click Add new sink rate to add a new production rate to your setup.

  • To add multiple production rates at once, click , select the required number and click Add.

  • To delete production rates from your setup, select the checkboxes that correspond to the production rates you no longer need and click Delete the selected sink rate.