Stockpile Availability
The Stockpile Availability constraint allows you to set the periods in which material can be sent to or reclaimed from a stockpile.
The stockpile availability constraint is a hard constraint Evolution must obey this constraint when generating a schedule..
To create a stockpile availability constraint:
From the setup configuration tabs, select 7. Constraints.
Use the slider at the bottom of the viewer to navigate to Stockpile Availability.
to add the constraint to your schedule.
Under Applied Constraints, click on Stockpile Availability to open the constraint settings.
In the settings table, all of the stages are initially set to available which is indicated by the green cells. You can configure the following rows:
The Reclaim Availability row allows you to control the periods in which material can be reclaimed from the stockpile.
The Stockpile Availability row allows you to control the periods in which material can be sent to the stockpile.
Double-click the cell of the row and period you wish to make unavailable. The cell will turn red when it is disabled. Similarly, you can make the stockpile or reclaims available again by double-clicking the cell.