Region Accumulation

Use the Region Accumulation constraint to place a maximum limit on the material processed from each defined region per reporting period. You can create limits for each reporting period, or constrain all periods with a single limit. If a schedule exceeds the limit you set, it will temporarily pause and display a warning.

Note:  The Region Accumulation constraint is a soft constraint, which means that Evolution will try to meet it when generating a schedule, but doing so is not forced.

Configure the Region Accumulation limits by setting the following:

  1. Specify the attribute (that provides the region values) for which the limit should be set by selecting the appropriate item from the drop-down menu.

  2. Select the accumulation type from the drop-down menu.

    Evolution will populate the table based on your selection.

  3. To further configure each limit added to the table, click on the row corresponding to it.

  4. Configure the Region Accumulation limits by setting the following:

    • Edit the default name in the Name field.

    • Select the required limit type and specify its value. You can choose from the following:

      • Constant Limit: Sets a single constant value as the maximum limit per reporting period.

        Tip:  You can change the length of the reporting period in the setup settings.

      • Variable Limit: Allows you to set different maximum accumulation limits in each reporting period.

        Tip:  You can change the length of the reporting period in the setup settings.

        Note:  Epoch will consider any periods with empty limits as unconstrained.