Keyboard Shortcuts

On this page:

Project explorer

  Action Keyboard shortcut
Expand/collapse selected container + / -
  View selection in current view CtrlAltN
Rename selected object F2
Delete selection CtrlDelete
Search and select CtrlF
Query properties of selection CtrlI
Cut CtrlX
Copy CtrlC
Paste CtrlV
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y


    Action Keyboard Shortcut
Selection types Enter hands-free manipulation mode `
Select objects 1
Select points 2
Select edges 3
Select facets 4
Select cells 5
Select blocks (not yet supported) 7
 Region selection modes   Toggle selection mode Shift`
Turn on rectangle selection mode Shift1
Turn on polygonal lasso selection mode Shift2
Turn on freehand selection mode Shift3
  Temporarily suspend highlighting of the selection Pause
Object selection
Select all objects in active view CtrlA
Invert selection of objects in active view I
Delete selected objects Backspace / Delete
    Clear selection CtrlSpace
Primitive selection
Select all primitives in current object selection CtrlA
Smart select primitives CtrlS
Flood select primitives CtrlAltS
Invert primitive selection in current object selection I
Delete selected primitives CtrlD
Delete unselected primitives (Crop) AltD, AltDelete

View — General

  Action Keyboard shortcut
  View current selection in a new view CtrlN
  View current selection in active view CtrlAltN
  Open a new empty view CtrlShiftN
Tile and tie view CtrlB
Toggle full screen F11
Complete sequence Enter
Cancel sequence Esc
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y

View — Camera

  Action Keyboard shortcut
View data from top (press twice to zoom to fit all data into view) End
Zoom to selection L
Set viewpoint (enters Look From mode when complete) ShiftK
Set centre of rotation C
  Toggle axis visibility A
  Toggle spin animation Alt.
  Set spin animation rotation and speed Alt + Left mouse button drag
Toggle projection mode between orthographic and perspective 8
Move camera back to previous position B
Move camera forward to next position F

View — Manipulation modes

    Action Keyboard shortcut
Manipulation modes Enter Z-Up Mode Z
Enter Look-From Mode K
Enter Plan View Mode P
Enter Screen Mode S
Rotate () Coarse rotate    
Fine rotate Shift +    
Pan () Coarse pan Alt +    
Fine pan Alt + Shift +    
Pan () Coarse pan    
Fine pan Shift +    

View — Effects

  Action Keyboard shortcut
  Decrease/increase point size - / +
  Decrease/increase line width 9 / 0
  Decrease/increase block scale Ctrl+9 / Ctrl+0
  Decrease/increase block border thickness Ctrl+Alt+9 /
Cycle surface render mode (Solid / Wireframe / Points) G
  Cycle bounding box visibility (Bounding box / Scene / Both) CtrlAltShiftJ
Toggle headlight on/off Alt3
Toggle left light on/off Alt4
Toggle right light on/off Alt5
  Increase/decrease brightness of lights U / Y

View — Action plane

  Action Keyboard shortcut
Move action plane to point A + Click
Move to previous action plane ShiftB
Move to next action plane ShiftF
Show/hide action plane ShiftA
Show/hide action plane manipulator Shift C
Look at the action plane from the front Home
Step action plane left [
Step action plane right ]

View — Sections

  Action Keyboard shortcut
Define a quick section from two points in plan Ctrl/
  Show/hide the Section Manager Shift + /
  Step section forward Ctrl + AltPage Up
  Step section backward Ctrl + AltPage Down

View — Object visibility

  Action Keyboard shortcut
Show/hide Visibility Manager V
Hide selected objects in active view H
Hide picked objects H + Click
Hide all except selected objects in active view ShiftH
Show last hidden objects in active view J
Show all hidden objects in active view ShiftJ

View — Pick modes

  Action Keyboard shortcut
Toggle 2D/3D pick mode X
Project picked point onto action plane Shift + Click
Disable snap targets Ctrl + Click


    Action Keyboard shortcut
Data Import data AltF2
Export data AltF3
Load Vulcan Data AltShiftV
Colour Apply a uniform colour to the selection CtrlU
Apply a random uniform colour to the selection Ctrl + 2
Change the opacity of the selection CtrlG
  Change the appearance of surfaces in the selection Ctrl + H


    Action Keyboard shortcut
CAD Create points AltP
Create smart line through existing points F8
Create line F9
Create polygon F10
Fit a line segment to a point selection CtrlJ
Text Edit the properties of selected 2D text labels CtrlShiftT
Surface Fit a plane to a point selection CtrlK
Fit a grid surface to selected data ShiftG


    Action Keyboard shortcut
Transform Translate objects CtrlR
Rotate objects CtrlE
  Toggle dynamic translation manipulator ShiftT
  Toggle dynamic rotation manipulator ShiftR
Object Explode objects by geometry CtrlShiftE

Query and Filter

    Action Keyboard shortcut
Search and select Search for an object in this project CtrlF
Attributes Query an object’s properties CtrlI
Geometry Query a point CtrlP, Q + Click
Query the distance between two picked points CtrlAltD, D + Click
Query the dip and strike of a surface K
Surfaces Calculate the cut and fill between two surfaces ShiftU
Check a surface for validity ShiftV
Filter Show all hidden points ShiftS
Filter points by attribute AltA

Modelling, DomainMCF and Stratigraphic

    Action Keyboard shortcut
Data Load Vulcan Data CtrlShiftV
Drillholes Update drillhole database ShiftU
Change the visualisation of selected drillholes AltV
View and edit a drillhole database ShiftD
Filter drillhole intervals AltF
Domain definition Set intervals ShiftI