Structural Data

Structural data can be loaded into GeologyCore from a variety of sources:

  • Extracted from a drillhole database

  • Imported from a Vulcan geotechnical database

  • Imported from CSV files

  • Manually entered on screen

  1. Extracting structural data from a drillhole database.

  2. Structural data, for use in geological modelling, can be extracted from drillhole databases that contain Alpha and Beta measurements and/or Dip and Dip direction.

    1.1 Import drilling database into GeologyCore

    Drillholes are the main data source for generating geological models. You can load drillhole information into GeologyCore from a variety of sources, including:

    • Vulcan Isis drillhole databases (*.isis)

    • Vulcan ODBC link drillhole databases (*.dsf)

    • Comma-separated values (CSV) files (*.csv)

    See Import Drilling Database into GeologyCore.

    Note:  Make sure that alpha, beta, dip, and dip direction have their data type set as single or double precision and a valid angle unit applied.

    1.2 Extract structural data from drilling database

    Converting and editing structural data is controlled from the Modelling ribbon.

    Use the Downhole Structures option to convert the orientation measurements from the drilling database to structures.

    1.3 Select the drillhole database containing the structures as well as the structural table and fields

    Select to either convert alpha and beta measurements to dip/dip direction or to use existing dip/dip direction measurements from the database.

    Structures will be extracted to the geotechnical container, organised by drillhole database name and structure type. Structures are displayed as 3D oriented discs.

    If an existing legend is not supplied, colours will automatically be assigned for the structural types found in the database.

  3. Import from a Vulcan geotechnical database.

    Structures may be imported into GeologyCore directly from a Vulcan Geotechnical database.

    Use the Home > Data > Project option to browse for a geotechnical database.

  4. Import from CSV files containing coordinate and structural orientation information.

    Use Home > Data > Import option or drag and drop the file onto the screen to import as ASCII.

    Choose to import data as Structures/Discontinuities and match the columns.

    Note:  To organise the dataset by structural type, set the Type field to Discontinuity Set.


  5. Manually entered on screen.

    Oriented Structure

    Use the Oriented Structures option on the Modelling ribbon to manually create a structure.

    Adjust the orientation of the structure by either:

    • Specifying the structure location (Easting, Northing, Elevation)

    • Entering the Dip value or adjusting the sliders (Measured dip angle: 0°-90°)

    • Entering the Dip direction value or adjusting the sliders (Bearing or Azimuth of the dip: 0°-360°)

    • Adjusting the onscreen dynamic controls (rotation and translation manipulators)


    The polarity of the structure will be used to define the top and bottom in surface generation. Use the Edit Polarity option to adjust the polarity.

    Before adjusting the polarity:

    After adjusting the polarity: