mapteksdk.geologycore.database module

Drillhole database data types.

class DrillholeDatabase(object_id=None, lock_type=LockType.READWRITE)

Bases: VisualContainer, TablesMixin

A container which contains Drillhole objects.

A DrillholeDatabase object is backed by a database. This database may be a Vulcan Isis database, a set of CSV files or an internal database.

New databases created through this interface are always backed by an internal database. Upon creation, the new database contains a single table (A collar table containing a northing field and an easting field) and no drillholes.

  • object_id (ObjectID | None) –

  • lock_type (LockType) –

See also


Help page for this class.


Creating a new drillhole database containing a single drillhole. This is a simple example which only uses two tables (A collar table and a geology table).

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> from import StringColourMap
>>> from mapteksdk.geologycore import (
...   DrillholeDatabase, DrillholeTableType, DrillholeFieldType)
>>> with Project() as project:
...   # The colour map to use to colour the drillhole.
...   with"drillholes/geology_rock_type", StringColourMap
...       ) as colour_map:
...     colour_map.legend = ["DIRT", "ROCK", "UNOBTAINIUM"]
...     colour_map.colours = [
...       [165, 42, 42, 255],
...       [100, 100, 100, 255],
...       [255, 215, 0, 255]
...     ]
...   with"drillholes/new_database", DrillholeDatabase
...       ) as database:
...     # The newly created database automatically contains a collar table,
...     # so the creator does not need to create one.
...     # The collar table only initially contains a northing and an easting
...     # field. To be able to more accurately place the drillhole, add an
...     # elevation field.
...     collar_table = database.collar_table
...     collar_table.add_field(
...       "ELEVATION",
...       float,
...       "Elevation of the drillhole",
...       field_type=DrillholeFieldType.ELEVATION
...     )
...     geology_table = database.add_table(
...       "GEOLOGY", DrillholeTableType.GEOLOGY)
...     # The newly created geology table automatically contains to depth
...     # and from depth fields so the creator does not need to create them.
...     geology_table.add_field(
...       "ROCK_TYPE",
...       str,
...       "The type of rock in the interval",
...       field_type=DrillholeFieldType.ROCK_TYPE)
...     # Add a new drillhole to the database.
...     drillhole_id= database.new_drillhole("D-1")
...   with project.edit(drillhole_id) as drillhole:
...     # Set the collar point.
...     drillhole.raw_collar = (-0.7, 1.6, -15.6)
...     # Populate the geology table.
...     geology_table = drillhole.geology_table
...     geology_table.add_rows(3)
...     geology_table.from_depth.values = [0, 12.3, 25.1]
...     geology_table.to_depth.values = [12.3, 25.1, 34.4]
...     geology_table.rock_type.values = [
...       "DIRT",
...       "ROCK",
...       "UNOBTAINIUM"]
...     drillhole.set_visualisation(geology_table.rock_type,
...                                 colour_map)
property id: ObjectID[DrillholeDatabase]

Object ID that uniquely references this object in the project.


The unique id of this object.

Return type:


classmethod static_type()

Return the type of visual container as stored in a Project.

This can be used for determining if the type of an object is a visual container.


Closes the object.

This should be called as soon as you are finished working with an object. To avoid needing to remember to call this function, open the object using a with block and, or project.edit(). Those functions automatically call this function at the end of the with block.

A closed object cannot be used for further reading or writing. The ID of a closed object may be queried and this can then be used to re-open the object.

property holes: Sequence[ObjectID[Drillhole]]

The object IDs of the holes in the database.

Each time this property is accessed, it provides a copy of the sequence of hole IDs. Thus the returned sequence will not be updated when new holes are added to the database and must be re-queried.

property desurvey_method: DesurveyMethod

The desurvey method used to generate the visualisation of the drillhole.

The default desurvey method for a new database is DesurveyMethod.TANGENT.


Setting the desurvey method to DesurveyMethod.TANGENT_WITH_LENGTH will set the tangent length to 1.0.


The following example demonstrates setting the desurvey method of the drillholes in a picked database to the tangent desurvey method. In particular, note that after setting the desurvey method on an existing drillhole database you must call refresh_drillholes() to update the visualisation of the existing drillholes to use the new desurvey method.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> from mapteksdk.geologycore import DrillholeDatabase, DesurveyMethod
>>> from mapteksdk.operations import object_pick
>>> if __name__ == "__main__":
...   with Project() as project:
...     drillhole_id = object_pick(
...       label="Pick a drillhole in the database to set to use the "
...             "tangent desurvey method")
...     database_id = drillhole_id.parent
...     with project.edit(database_id) as database:
...       database: DrillholeDatabase
...       database.desurvey_method = DesurveyMethod.TANGENT
...       # Refresh the visualisation of existing holes so that they know to
...       # use the new desurvey method.
...       database.refresh_holes()
property tangent_length: float

The tangent length used for the tangent with length desurvey method.

If the desurvey method is not TANGENT_WITH_LENGTH, this will be NaN.

new_drillhole(drillhole_id, overwrite=OverwriteMode.ERROR)

Create a new drillhole and add it to the database.

The drillhole should be opened using the ObjectID returned by this function. The drillhole is inserted into the drillhole database container with drillhole_id as its name.

Opening the new drillhole for reading or editing before closing the drillhole database will raise an OrphanDrillholeError.

  • drillhole_id (str) – Unique ID for the new drillhole.

  • overwrite (OverwriteMode) – OverwriteMode enum member indicating what behaviour to use if there is already a drillhole with the specified name. If OverwriteMode.ERROR (default), this will raise a ValueError if there is already a drillhole with the specified name. If OverwriteMode.UNIQUE_NAME, the drillhole ID will be postfixed with an integer to make it unique. If OverwriteMode.OVERWRITE, this function will raise a NotImplementedError.

  • ValueError – If there is already a drillhole with the specified ID or if the drillhole could not be created.

  • TypeError – If drillhole_id is not a str or overwrite is not a member of the OverwriteMode enum.

  • ReadOnlyError – If this object is open for read-only.

Return type:



If there is an object at the path where the drillhole will be inserted, that object will be silently orphaned and the path will now refer to the new drillhole.

add_table(table_name: str) CustomTableInformation
add_table(table_name: str, table_type: ~typing.Literal[<DrillholeTableType.GEOLOGY: 'Geology'>]) GeologyTableInformation
add_table(table_name: str, table_type: ~typing.Literal[<DrillholeTableType.ASSAY: 'Assay'>]) AssayTableInformation
add_table(table_name: str, table_type: ~typing.Literal[<DrillholeTableType.QUALITY: 'Quality'>]) QualityTableInformation
add_table(table_name: str, table_type: ~typing.Literal[<DrillholeTableType.DOWNHOLE: 'Downhole'>]) DownholeTableInformation
add_table(table_name: str, table_type: ~typing.Literal[<DrillholeTableType.SURVEY: 'Survey'>]) SurveyTableInformation
add_table(table_name: str, table_type: ~typing.Literal[<DrillholeTableType.OTHER: 'Other'>]) CustomTableInformation
add_table(table_name: str, table_type: ~typing.Literal[<DrillholeTableType.COLLAR: 'Collar'>]) Never

Add a new table to the database.

The newly created table will contain any fields required by the specified table type (For example, to and from depth fields for assay tables).

  • table_name – The name for the new table.

  • table_type – The type of the new table. This is DrillholeTableType.OTHER by default.


The newly created table.

Return type:


  • ValueError – If table_type is DrillholeTableType.UNKNOWN.

  • TypeError – If table_type is not part of the DrillholeTableType enum.

  • DuplicateTableTypeError – If attempting to add a second collar or survey table to a database.


When creating a table which supports TO_DEPTH or FROM_DEPTH fields, this function will automatically add both TO_DEPTH and FROM_DEPTH fields to the table. Though it is valid for a table to contain only a TO_DEPTH field or only a FROM_DEPTH field, it is not possible to create such a table through this function.


Forces the visualisation of the drillholes to be refreshed.

The refresh occurs when the database is saved. This should be called when an edit to the database design will change how existing drillholes are visualised, typically due to field types being changed.


This operation can be quite slow on databases with a large number of drillholes.

property assay_table: AssayTableInformation

Returns the assay table if it exists.

This property should only be used if the caller is certain that the database only contains one assay table.


TableNotFoundError – If there is no assay table.


TooManyTablesWarning – If the database contains multiple assay tables. The first table was returned.

allow_hidden_objects: bool = False

Allow the SDK to list and create objects considered hidden.

The names of hidden objects start with a full stop (e.g. “.hidden”).


This should be configured prior to reading the children of the container.

Setting allow_hidden_objects to True and deleting hidden containers that you didn’t create may cause tools in the application to fail and can cause the application to crash.

allow_standard_containers: bool = False

Allow the SDK to handle standard containers like any other containers.

This disables the handling of standard containers as they appear to users.

If False (default), standard containers cannot be added or removed. If True, standard containers are treated as normal containers.


This should be configured prior to modifying the children of the container.

Setting allow_standard_containers to True and deleting standard containers can cause the application to crash.


Append a child to the end of the container.

Any leading or trailing whitespace will be stripped, such whitespace is avoided as it is hard for users to tell two objects apart if the only difference in their name is whitespace.

If the object referred to by the given ObjectID is deleted, the child will not be added to the container on save.


child (tuple[str,]) – The name to give the object and the ID of the object.

  • ValueError – If the name is None, the empty string or name contains a new line or slashes (forward and back).

  • ValueError – If there is another object in the container with the given name (after leading and trailing whitespace has been removed).

  • ReadOnlyError – If the object was open for read only (i.e not for editing).


Returns a list containing the names of all object-level attributes.

Use this to iterate over the object attributes.


List containing the attribute names.

Return type:



Iterate over all object attributes of the object stared at “target” and print their values.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> project = Project()
>>> with"target") as read_object:
...     for name in read_object.attribute_names():
...         print(name, ":", read_object.get_attribute(name))

Cancel any pending changes to the object.


ReadOnlyError – If the object was open for read only (i.e not for editing). It is not necessary to call this for a read only object as there will be no pending changes.


Remove all children from the container.

Any child objects that are not in another container will be deleted.

It is fine to call this function if there are no children in the container. This does not clear any object attributes.

The post condition of this function will be len(self) == 0.


ReadOnlyError – If the object was open for read only (i.e not for editing).

property closed: bool

If this object has been closed.

Attempting to read or edit a closed object will raise an ObjectClosedError. Such an error typically indicates an error in the script and should not be caught.


If the object was opened with the, Project.edit() or in a “with” block, this will be True until the with block is closed and False afterwards.

>>> with"cad/point_set", PointSet) as point_set:
>>>     point_set.points = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
>>>     print("closed?", point_set.closed)
>>> print("closed?", point_set.closed)
closed? False
closed? True
property collar_table: CollarTableInformation

Returns the collar table if it exists.

The collar table represents the location on the surface which the drillhole was taken from.

A database can only have one collar table.

property created_date: datetime

The date and time (in UTC) of when this object was created.


The date and time the object was created. 0:0:0 1/1/1970 if the operation failed.

Return type:



Delete all object attributes attached to an object.

This only deletes object attributes and has no effect on PrimitiveAttributes.


RuntimeError – If all attributes cannot be deleted.


Deletes a single object-level attribute.

Deleting a non-existent object attribute will not raise an error.


attribute (str) – Name of attribute to delete.


True if the object attribute existed and was deleted; False if the object attribute did not exist.

Return type:



RuntimeError – If the attribute cannot be deleted.


Return the object ID for the given name in the container.

If there is no such child, the null object ID will be returned or default

  • name (str) – The name of the child to return.

  • default (ObjectID) – The ID to return if there is no object called name in the container.


The object ID of the object if found otherwise default.

Return type:



Returns the value for the attribute with the specified name.


name (str) – The name of the object attribute to get the value for.


The value of the object attribute name. For dtype = datetime.datetime this is an integer representing the number of milliseconds since 1st Jan 1970. For dtype = this is a tuple of the form: (year, month, day).

Return type:



KeyError – If there is no object attribute called name.


In the future this function may be changed to return datetime.datetime and objects instead of the current representation for object attributes of type datetime.datetime or


Returns the type of the attribute with the specified name.


name (str) – Name of the attribute whose type should be returned.


The type of the object attribute name.

Return type:



KeyError – If there is no object attribute called name.


Returns the object IDs of the children.


List of ObjectIDs of the children.

Return type:


insert(index, child)

Insert child before index in the container.

Any leading or trailing whitespace will be stripped, such whitespace is avoided as it is hard for users to tell two objects apart if the only difference in their name is whitespace.

  • index (int) – The position of where the child should be inserted.

  • child (tuple[str,]) – The name to give the object and the ID of the object.

  • ValueError – If the name is None, the empty string or name contains a new line or slashes (forward and back).

  • ValueError – If there is another object in the container with the given name (after leading and trailing whitespace has been removed).

  • ReadOnlyError – If the object was open for read only (i.e not for editing).

property is_read_only: bool

If this object is read-only.

This will return True if the object was open with and False if it was open with Project.edit() or Attempting to edit a read-only object will raise an error.


Return the (name, object ID) pair for each child.


List of tuples in the form (name, object ID).

Return type:


property lock_type: LockType

Indicates whether operating in read-only or read-write mode.

Use the is_read_only property instead for checking if an object is open for reading or editing.


The type of lock on this object. This will be LockType.ReadWrite if the object is open for editing and LockType.Read if the object is open for reading.

Return type:


property modified_date: datetime

The date and time (in UTC) of when this object was last modified.


The date and time this object was last modified. 0:0:0 1/1/1970 if the operation failed.

Return type:



Return the name of the given object in the container.

Only the name of the first occurrence of the object will be provided.


object_id (ObjectID | DataObject) – The ID of the object to find the name of.


The name of the object in this container if found.

Return type:



ValueError – If there is no child with the given object ID in the container. This will be raised if the object is hidden and allow_hidden_objects is False (default) as it will be as if the object ID didn’t appear.


Returns the names of the children.


List of names of children.

Return type:



Remove the child with the given name or object ID from the container.

The name itself won’t be validated to reject names that aren’t possible for a child.


The ID of the removed object.

Return type:


  • ReadOnlyError – If the object was open for read only (i.e not for editing).

  • KeyError – If there is no child with the given name in the container.

  • ValueError – If the given name is for a hidden object and allow_hidden_objects is False (default).

  • ValueError – If the given name is a standard container allow_standard_containers is False (default).


name (str) –


Remove the first child with object ID from the container.

Only the first occurrence of the object will be removed.

  • ReadOnlyError – If the object was open for read only (i.e not for editing).

  • ValueError – If there is no child with the given object ID in the container.

  • ValueError – If the given object is considered hidden and allow_hidden_objects is False (default).

  • ValueError – If the given object is a standard container allow_standard_containers is False (default).


object_to_remove (ObjectID | DataObject) –

rename(old_name, new_name)

Rename an object within this container.

Renaming an object to its own name has no effect.

Renaming a standard container will create a container with the new name and move the children into the new container unless allow_standard_containers is True. This matches the behaviour of if a user renames the container from the explorer.

Care should be taken when renaming standard containers when allow_standard_containers is True. Avoid renaming standard containers that you did not create (i.e avoid renaming standard containers that are created by the applications themselves).


If a standard container is renamed when allow_standard_containers is False then you must ensure the changes are saved (no error is raised before it is saved). Failing to do so will result in the objects in the standard container being lost.

  • old_name (str) – The current name of the object to rename. This is not the path to the object, only its name. For example, to rename the pointset at the path “cad/pointset”, the old name of the object would be “pointset”.

  • new_name (str) – The new name for the object.

  • KeyError – If there is no child by old_name (the key) in the container.

  • ValueError – If the new_name is not a valid name to change to.

  • ValueError – If the given name is for a hidden object and allow_hidden_objects is False (default).

  • ReadOnlyError – If the object was open for read only (i.e not for editing).

replace(name, new_object)

Replace the object with the given name with a different object.

This is similar to removing the object with the given name and then inserting the new object at its old position/index.

This can be used for overwriting an existing object in a container with another.

If the object referred to by the given ObjectID is deleted, the child will not be added to the container on save.

  • name (str) – The name of the object in the container to replace. This is not the path to the object, only its name. For example, to replace the pointset at the path “cad/pointset”, the name of the object to replace is “pointset”, where as “cad” is the name of the container.

  • new_object (ObjectID | DataObject) – The object to replace with.


The ID of the object that was replaced.

Return type:


  • KeyError – If there is no child called name (the key) in the container.

  • ValueError – If new_object is not a valid object (it is null).

  • ValueError – If the given name is for a hidden object and allow_hidden_objects is False (default).

  • ValueError – If the given object is a standard container and allow_standard_containers is False (default).

  • ReadOnlyError – If the object was open for read only (i.e not for editing).


Save the changes made to the object.

Generally a user does not need to call this function, because it is called automatically at the end of a with block using or Project.edit().


The change reasons for the operation. This depends on what changes to the object were saved. If the api_version is less than 1.9, this always returns ChangeReasons.NO_CHANGE.

Return type:


set_attribute(name, dtype, data)

Sets the value for the object attribute with the specified name.

This will overwrite any existing attribute with the specified name.

  • name (str) – The name of the object attribute for which the value should be set.

  • dtype (type[Union[NoneType, Type[NoneType], ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.c_byte, ctypes.c_ubyte, ctypes.c_short, ctypes.c_ushort, ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_longlong, ctypes.c_ulonglong, ctypes.c_float, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_char_p, datetime.datetime,, bool, int, float, str]] | None) – The type of data to assign to the attribute. This should be a type from the ctypes module or datetime.datetime or Passing bool is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_bool. Passing str is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_char_p. Passing int is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_int16. Passing float is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_double.

  • data (Any) – The value to assign to object attribute name. For dtype = datetime.datetime this can either be a datetime object or timestamp which will be passed directly to datetime.utcfromtimestamp(). For dtype = this can either be a date object or a tuple of the form: (year, month, day).

  • ValueError – If dtype is an unsupported type.

  • TypeError – If value is an inappropriate type for object attribute name.

  • ValueError – If name starts or ends with whitespace or is empty.

  • RuntimeError – If a different error occurs.


If an error occurs after adding a new object attribute or editing an existing object attribute resulting in save() not being called, the changes to the object attributes can only be undone if the application’s API version is 1.6 or greater.

Prior to mapteksdk 1.6: Adding new object attributes, or editing the values of object attributes, will not be undone if an error occurs.


Create an object attribute on an object at “target” and then read its value.

>>> import ctypes
>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> project = Project()
>>> with project.edit("target") as edit_object:
...     edit_object.set_attribute("count", ctypes.c_int16, 0)
... with"target") as read_object:
...     print(read_object.get_attribute("count"))
property table_count: int

The number of tables in the database.

property survey_table: SurveyTableInformation

Returns the survey table if it exists.

A database can only contain one survey table.

property geology_table: GeologyTableInformation

Returns the geology table if it exists.

A database may contain multiple geology tables. This property should only be used if the caller is certain that the database only contains one geology table.


TableNotFoundError – If there is no geology table.


TooManyTablesWarning – If the database contains multiple geology tables. The first table was returned.

property downhole_table: DownholeTableInformation

Returns the downhole table if it exists.

A database may contain multiple downhole tables. This property should only be used if the caller is certain that the database only contains one downhole table.


TableNotFoundError – If there is no geology table.


TooManyTablesWarning – If the database contains multiple geology tables. The first table was returned.

property quality_table: QualityTableInformation

Returns the quality table if it exists.

A database may contain multiple quality tables. This property should only be used if the caller is certain that the database only contains one quality table.


TableNotFoundError – If there is no geology table.


TooManyTablesWarning – If the database contains multiple geology tables. The first table was returned.

property tables: list[mapteksdk.geologycore.tables.BaseTableInformation]

The tables representing the drillhole.


List of BaseDrillholeTable for the drillhole.

Return type:



Returns a list of tables with the specified type.


table_type (DrillholeTableType) – The type of table to include in the list.


List of BaseDrillholeTable objects with the specified table type.

Return type:



KeyError – If table_type is not a DrillholeTableType.


Returns the table with the specified name.


name (str) – The name of the table to return.


The table with the specified name.

Return type:



TableNotFoundError – If there is no table with the specified name.