2D Text

2D text is a label positioned at a specific location in 3D space that maintains a constant size and orientation on the screen, regardless of the zoom level or camera orientation. A single 2D text label is represented in the SDK with the Text2D class.

Text2D properties

Use the following properties to customise your Text2D object:


Set the text to display in the label.


Set the font style of the label to one of the following values:


Set the point size of the label text.


Set the location of the label as an XYZ coordinate.


Set the colour of the text.


Set the horizontal alignment of your 2D text object to one of the following enum values:


Set the vertical alignment of your 2D text object to one of the following enum values:

2D text examples

The following examples demonstrate how to create and customise 2D text labels in a 3D view. You will learn how to create a basic Text2D object, modify its properties such as text content, size, and colour, and apply 2D text labels to specific points along a line to display relevant information.

Creating a Text2D object

The example below demonstrates creating a Text2D object and placing it at the origin.

from mapteksdk.project import Project
from mapteksdk.data import Text2D
project = Project() # Connect to default project

object_path = "scrapbook/text_example"

# Create Text
with project.new(object_path, Text2D, overwrite=True) as text:
    text.text = 'hello world'
    text.location = [0, 0, 0]
    # Colours are R,G,B,A, where A is Alpha (255 = opaque)
    text.colour = [38, 128, 0, 255] # Light Green
    text.size = 100

Editing Text2D properties

The example below modifies the colour, size, text, and position of the text object created in the last example.

from mapteksdk.project import Project
project = Project() # Connect to default project

object_path = "scrapbook/text_example"

# Create Text
with project.edit(object_path) as text:
    text.text = 'new text'
    text.location = [50, 50, 50]
    # Colours are R,G,B,A, where A is Alpha (255 = opaque)
    text.colour = [255, 50, 50, 255]
    text.size = 150

Labelling point heights along a line with text

The following example demonstrates how to add 2D text at each point of a 3D polyline, labelling each point with its height.

from mapteksdk.project import Project
from mapteksdk.data import Text2D, Polyline
project = Project() # Connect to default project

# Create a swirl line that rises in height
line_path = "scrapbook/label_line_example"
labels_path = "scrapbook/line_labels"

with project.new(line_path, Polyline, overwrite=True) as line:
    line.points = [[10, 0, 0], [7, 5, 5], [9, 10, 10], [15, 12, 15],
                   [20, 10, 20], [20, 5, 25], [15, 5, 30], [12, 8, 35]]

# Delete labels container if it exists

with project.read(line.id) as line:
    for label_id, point in enumerate(line.points):
        # Create text at point
        with project.new(
          "{}/{}".format(labels_path, label_id),
          overwrite=True) as text:
            text.text = "{}m".format(point[2])
            text.location = point
            text.colour = [point[2], 255, 255, 255]
            text.size = 40