Creating a script
An Extend Python script must do each of the following initialisation steps to work:
Import WorkflowArgumentParser from mapteksdk.workflows.
Create a WorkflowArgumentParser object.
Call the parse_arguments() method on WorkflowArgumentParser.
If you are using WorkflowSelection , then the script must connect to a Maptek application by calling Project().
These initialisation steps are illustrated in the snippet below.
from mapteksdk.workflows import WorkflowArgumentParser from mapteksdk.project import Project parser = WorkflowArgumentParser() parser.parse_arguments() project = Project()
The script should then follow the procedure outlined below to perform the desired task:
Define input/output connectors
Define component operation
Set output with reference to operation
Defining input/output connectors
You can create your own input connector by using the following code:
parser.declare_input_connector("Input_1", int, connector_name="Input_1", description="Input", default=5)
Input_1 is the attribute name
int is the attribute type
Input 1 is the connector name
Input is the description
Similarly, you can generate an output connector using the following code:
parser.declare_output_connector("Output_1", int, connector_name="Output 1", description="output")
Defining component operation
Once your input and output connectors are defined, you can define the operation of the component.
number = parser.get_input("Input_1") + 5
In the example above, we are adding five to our input value.
Setting the output
Once your operation is defined, you need to explicitly set the component output.
parser.set_output("Output_1", number)
It is recommended to structure all Workflow-compatible scripts in the following way:
Import all modules.
Create a WorkflowArgumentParser instance.
Declare all connectors.
Use the inputs to perform a useful operation.
Write outputs to the output connectors.