mapteksdk.common package

Shared helpers and utilities used throughout the API.

trim_pad_2d_array(array_to_check, elements_to_keep=- 1, values=3, fill_value=255)

Converts a list into a 2D np array and ensures it fits within sizing requirements.

The return value is a list with length=elements_to_keep. Each item in this list is a list of length=values.

  • array_to_check (array_like) – Array-like object to convert.

  • elements_to_keep (int) – Number of rows expected in the final list. If array_to_check has fewer rows than this number then additional rows will be added to reach this number. If array_to_check has more rows than this number then the extra rows are truncated. The default value is -1, causing no rows to be added or removed.

  • values (int) – Number of columns (values in each row) in the final list. For each row, if it has less than this number of values then it is padded with fill_value. If it has more than this number of values then the row is truncated to this length. The default value is 3.

  • fill_value (any) – Fill value to use when padding. The default is 255.


A 2D numpy array with elements_to_keep rows and values columns. This contains the values from array_to_check, however with any excess rows/columns truncated or any missing rows/columns padded with fill_value.

Return type



This function has some unintuitive behaviour especially when array_to_check is jagged (rows are not all the same length). Calling it directly is not recommended and it may be deprecated in the future.


Truncate rows which are too long.

>>> from mapteksdk.common import trim_pad_2d_array
>>> points = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 5, 6, 11], [7, 8, 9, 10]]
>>> trim_pad_2d_array(points, 3, 3)
array([[ 1,  2,  3],
       [ 4,  4,  5],
       [ 6, 11,  7]])

Pad rows which are too short.

>>> from mapteksdk.common import trim_pad_2d_array
>>> points = [[1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 2], [1, 3]]
>>> trim_pad_2d_array(points, -1, 3, 5)
array([[1., 2., 5.],
       [1., 3., 5.],
       [1., 2., 5.],
       [1., 3., 5.]])
trim_pad_1d_array(array_to_check, elements_to_keep=- 1, fill_value=True)

Flattens a 2D array into a 1D array and ensures it fits within sizing requirements. Alternatively, trim or pad a 1D array to have the specified number of elements.

  • array_to_check (array_like) – List to trim or pad.

  • elements_to_keep (int) – The length of the final list. If array_to_check is longer than this value, it is truncated to this length. If array_to_check is shorter than this value then it is padded to this length using fill_value. Default is -1 which indicates to keep all elements.

  • fill_value (any) – Fill value to use when padding. Default is True.


1D numpy array of length elements_to_keep.

Return type


See also


Similar functionality, but for 2d arrays.


Enforce list is 1D

>>> from mapteksdk.common import trim_pad_1d_array
>>> visibility = [[True, False, True]]
>>> trim_pad_1d_array(visibility)
array([True, False, True])

Trim a 1D array.

>>> from mapteksdk.common import trim_pad_1d_array
>>> visibility = [True, False, True, True, False]
>>> trim_pad_1d_array(visibility, 3)
array([True, False, True])

Pad a 1D array to the correct length.

>>> from mapteksdk.common import trim_pad_1d_array
>>> visibility = [True]
>>> trim_pad_1d_array(visibility, 3, False)
array([True, False, False])

Converts a list representing a colour into a valid rgba colour - a list of length 4 in the form [red, green, blue, alpha] with each value between 0 and 255.

This conversion can take three different forms:

  1. If the list contains three elements, the alpha is assumed to be 255 (fully visible).

  2. If the list contains a single element, the colour is treated as a shade of grey.

  3. The colour is already rgba - no conversion is performed.

If none of the above cases are applicable, a ValueError is raised.


colour (array_like) – List of colours to convert. This can either be a Greyscale colour ([intensity]), a RGB colour [red, green, blue] or a RGBA colour ([red, green, blue, alpha]).


ndarray representing colour in the form [red, green, blue, alpha].

Return type



ValueError – If the colour cannot be converted to a valid rgba colour.


A user of the SDK generally does not need to call this function because it is called internally by all functions which take a colour.

Each element in a rgba array is represented as an unsigned 8 bit integer. If a value is assigned which is greater than 255 or less than 0, integer overflow will occur. The colour will be set to value % 256.

Alpha represents the transparency of the object - an alpha of 0 indicates a completely transparent (and hence invisible) colour whereas an alpha of 255 indicates a completely opaque object.


Convert greyscale colour to RGBA

>>> from mapteksdk.common import convert_to_rgba
>>> colour = [125]
>>> convert_to_rgba(colour)
array([125, 125, 125, 255])

Convert RGB colour to RGBA

>>> from mapteksdk.common import convert_to_rgba
>>> colour = [120, 120, 0]
>>> convert_to_rgba(colour)
array([120, 120, 0, 255])
convert_array_to_rgba(colour_array, expected_size, default_colour=None)

Converts a list of colours to a valid ndarray of RGBA colours containing expected_size colours. The conversions uses the same rules as convert_to_rgba.

  • colour_array (array_like) – List of lists representing colours to convert to RGBA.

  • expected_size (int) – Number of elements required in the final array. If colour_array is too long it is truncated to the correct length. If colour_array is too short it is padded with default_colour to the correct length.

  • default_colour (array_like) – List representing the colour to append when padding the colour array. Default is Green ([0, 255, 0, 255]).


Input list trimmed or padded to the correct length with each element converted to RGBA ([red, green, blue, alpha]).

Return type


  • ValueError – If colour_array is jagged - Not all colours in the array are in the same format, for example if some colours are represented as RGB and others are represented as RGBA.

  • ValueError – If colour array contains colours which are not represented in greyscale, RGB or RGBA format.

  • ValueError – If default colour is not valid.


Convert list of RGB colours to RGBA.

>>> from mapteksdk.common import convert_array_to_rgba
>>> colours = [[125, 125, 125], [120, 120, 0]]
>>> convert_array_to_rgba(colours, 3)
array([[125, 125, 125, 255],
       [120, 120,   0, 255],
       [  0, 255,   0, 255]], dtype=uint8)