Source file: workbench.htm
The Workbench tab provides the tools for managing licences, views, Workflow and Vulcan tools.
Load: | Allows you to reset window layout, browse for an existing layout or clear layout history. |
Save: | Allows you to save your custom layout. |
On Start: | Allows you to choose your default layout from any saved layouts. |
Select Customisation: | Allows you to customise the Start Page by uploading an image of your choice. The image becomes the background for the Start Page. |
Customise: | Enables you to create custom menus, toolbars, command lists, and hot keys. These can consist of individual options, customised menus, existing menus and Lava scripts. |
Tile: | Arranges docked view windows within the workspace to view them side-by-side. |
Tile and Tie: | As above, but ties view windows together so that manipulations in one occur in the others. |
CSV Editor: | Activates the integrated CSV editor. |
Image Viewer: | Opens a view window for viewing images, videos and animations. |
Text Editor: | Activates the integrated Text editor. |
Workflow Editor: | Activates the integrated Workflow editor. |
Download Manager: | Activates the Download Manager to view applications available for download and provides automatic software updates. |
Online Training: | Links to Maptek's online training website. |
Online Help: | Links to Maptek's online help website. |
Explorers: | Toggles display of the open explorer windows. |
Logs: | Toggles display of open event logs. |
Property Editor: | Toggles display of the property editor. |
Open AppData Folder: | Opens Windows file explorer to the folder in which Logs, Layouts, Customisation Files, Common Workflow and other files are saved. |
Show All Explorers: | Shows all the data within maptekobj file if it already wasn't visible. |
Show All Logs: | Shows Workbench Client and Workbench Server logs with some optional tools. |
Record Workflow: | Opens the workflow recorder. |
Maptek Account Licence Tool: | Opens the Maptek Account Licence Tool window. |
Maptek Account Hotswap: | Allows you to select or de-select purchased modules. Similar to the Maptek Account licence tool. |
Go Offline: | Gives the option to use software off line. Either a licence dongle is needed or the software counts down the applicable duration allocated for off-line use. |
Safely Eject Dongle: | Enables safe removal of a licence dongle. |
Offline Borrow: | Enables licence borrowing while off line. |
More information can be found in the help documentation by selecting the Help button in the top right corner of PointModeller window and navigating to Workbench Help. Alternatively, select Help from the Start Page window.