Status Bar

Source file: status-bar.htm

The status bar provides control for data input with various functions. Some functions, such as Create > Draw > Point, may only require a single set of inputs, while others, such as Create > Draw > Rectangle, may require a sequence of multiple inputs.

Spatial data can be easily specified by clicking on relevant points in the view window. The locations are automatically loaded into the status bar's input fields and accepted by the function, ready for the next data input. The Accept content icon remains grey , signifying that input data is automatically accepted.

Manual entry is possible by clicking directly in the input field and either typing in coordinates, or subsequently clicking on points in the view window. The Accept content icon will turn green , signifying that you must click the button to accept the input and continue.

Icon Description Shortcut
Opens the help entry for the function being applied.  

Accept the inputs and apply the function, without closing the function. Only accessible after clicking in an input field.

Complete the function on the inputs displayed. Some functions reset to start a sequence again, others close and remove the function from the status bar. Enter
Cancel the function and remove it from the status bar display. Esc

  • Status bar functions can accumulate in a stack, on top of each other. Ensure you click when finished with a function to clear it from the status bar stack.
  • To switch between tools on the stack, click on the left-hand end of the status bar and select from the list.
  • Ensure you only click a function's button once to activate in the status bar. Otherwise multiple instances of the function will load on top of each other.