Workbench Tools

 Workbench Launch Button: Access to tools and options found in the main Workbench top level environment. Includes Workflow editor and preference settings. More

Undo last operation - Redo last undo operation.

Use Rerun to run the last five operation again with either the same or different data, Rerun is not available until an operation that can be rerun, is run.

 Show Hide project explorer in the left side bar.

 Show Hide Logs: Activates the Workbench server.

 Property Editor: Activates the Property Editor window in Envisage showing the properties of selected objects from the design database.

 CSV Editor: Activates the integrated CSV editor.

Image viewer

 Text Editor: Activate the integrated text editor.

 Workflow Editor: Activates the integrated Workflow editor.

Vulcan tools.

Maptek Extend Help: more information can be found clicking the icon to see the Maptek Extend Help documentation.

 Preferences: Access preferences to all your installed Maptek products and Workbench.

Request support/help or suggest a new feature or report a bug found within the software.

Load a Layout Save a Layout

Load a Layout on startup

More information about layouts can be found in the Workbench help file.
Load a custom menu Customise the menu system
The customisation file that is loaded can be changed at any time from the Workbench menu. More information can be found in the Workbench help file.
Tile Tile and Tie
Tile two or more views side by side or tile two or more views side by side and lock their orientati to each other with Tile and Tie.

Download Manager: Activates the Download Manager to view applications available for download and provides automatic software updates.

Opens the online training website.

Opens the online help documentation website.

Open App Data: Opens the folder where Logs, Layouts, Customisation Files, Common Workflow and other files are saved to.

Show All project explorers: Show all the data within maptekobj file if it already wasn't visible.

Show All Logs: Show Workbench Client and Workbench Server logs with some optional tools.

Workflow Recorder: Record Workflow compilation and executions of diagrams.

Maptek Account Licence: Opens Maptek Account Sign in window which will open Maptek Account Licence tool.

Maptek Account Hotswap: Similar to the Maptek Account Licencing tool, this allows purchased modules to be selected or de-selected.

Go Offline: Gives the option to use software offline, (dongle needed) or software counts down the applicable duration allocated for offline use.

Safely Eject Dongle: Safe removal of dongle.

Access help files on all your installed Maptek products, Workbench and the screenshot tool to use when requesting support from Maptek staff.

Language Selection is found in Workbench Menu > Preferences > Workbench Preferences and selecting the Primary Language desired.


Menu Interface Layout selection is found in Workbench Menu > Preferences > Workbench Preferences.

From the Preferred User Interface drop down list, select the desired layout from either the Menus and Toolbars (old) or the Ribbon style (new).