
Source file: transform-group.htm

The Transform group hosts tools for repositioning and resizing objects in the view window.

Freehand Transform (Shift+T, Shift+R)

Activate the freehand transform widgets.

Translate (Ctrl+R)

Move an object linearly in any direction.


Resize objects in any direction.

Rotate (Ctrl+E)

Rotate objects around any axis.

Freehand Transform

Freehand Transform

The Freehand Transform tools enable you to translate and rotate a selected object for macro adjustments.

The freehand transform tool resides in both the Manipulation group of the Home tab and the Transform group of the Position and Filter tab. You can select the integrated translate and rotate widget, or either the translate (Shift+T) or rotate (Shift+R) widget individually from the drop-down list. You can also select the Freehand Rotate Scan Bearings tool from this list.

  • To turn a freehand transform tool off, click the Freehand Transform button.


The Translate tool (Ctrl+R) enables you move or shift objects in any direction, as follows:

  1. On the Edit tab, in the Transform group, click Translate or in the Position and Filter tab, in the Transform group, click Translate.

  2. Select the method of defining the Translate direction from the drop-down list.

    The panel will change to request additional inputs according to the selected Translate direction type. The Translate direction options are:

    Two points

    Define the translation by specifying two points.

    Two points and distance

    Define the direction by specifying two points and then define the distance to translate along that direction separately.

    Facet and distance

    Pick as facet and then specify a distance to translate along the normal of that facet.

    Axis aligned and distance

    Specify an axis and how far you want to move in that direction.

    Bearing, inclination and distance

    Specify a bearing, inclination, and distance to translate.

    Action plane axis and distance

    Specify direction by choosing an axis of the current view's action plane (horizontally, vertically, or out of the action plane in its normal direction.) and then provide a distance to translate.

    Tip:  Right-click on the input fields to display a context menu with additional basic options, including Selection centre and Zero (or origin).

  3. Select the Translate a copy option to allow you to produce a copy of the selected objects located at the nominated direction and distance from the source.

  4. Select the object to be translated in the project explorer and make sure that no other objects are highlighted.

  5. Click Translate forward to perform the translation process. Use Transform backward to retrace the path back to the start position.

The direction vector guide

The direction vector guide is a visual aid that indicates the how the selected object will be translated. Its appearance depends on the translation direction method chosen, but always includes an arrow showing the direction and distance of the translation.

Direction vector using the Two points direction method.



The Scale tool allows you to resize objects in any direction, as follows:

  1. On the Edit tab, in the Transform group, click Scale, or in the Position and Filter tab, in the Transform group, click Scale.

  2. Select a Centre point about which the object is scaled.

    Tip:  Right-clicking on Centre point field will display a context menu with additional basic options.

  1. Enter a Scale factor to scale the object equally in all directions.


    Select XYZ scale and enter factors for each of the X, Y and Z directions to scale the object disproportionately.

    Tip:  To scale scans horizontally, enter the scaling factor for X and Y, and set Z = 1.0.

  2. Select Scale a copy to duplicate the original object and scale the new copy each time Scale forward or Scale backward is selected. 

  3. Select the object to be scaled in the project explorer and make sure that no other objects are highlighted.

  4. Click Scale forward to increase the object size by the scale factor, or click Scale backward to decrease the object size.

Note:  Scaling removes photographic data from scans.

The scaling vector guide

The scaling vector guide is a visual aid that indicates the how the selected object will be resized. The guide consists of a green cube representing the original size of the selected object, and red arrows indicating the projected scaling in each direction.

The scaling guide where a single Scale factor is to be applied in all directions.



The Rotate tool (Ctrl+E) allows you to rotate data around the three axes (X, Y, Z), or around a user-defined axis, as follows:

  1. On the Edit tab, in the Transform group, click Rotate, or in the Position and Filter tab, in the Transform group, click Rotate.

  2. Select a Centre point of rotation. The centre of rotation can be selected in the view window or entered in the panel.
  3. Tip:  Right-clicking on Centre point fields will display a context menu with additional basic options.

  4. Select the method of defining the rotation axis from the Rotate about drop-down list.

  5. The panel will change to request additional inputs according to the selected Rotate about type. The Rotate about options are:

    Two points

    Rotate around an axis defined by two points.


    Rotate around an axis perpendicular to a facet.

    Axis aligned

    Rotate about X, Y or Z.

    Bearing and inclination

    Rotate about an axis defined by a bearing and inclination angles.

    Action plane axis

    Rotate about the action plane of active view.

  6. Select the object to be rotated in the project explorer and make sure that no other objects are highlighted.

  7. Enter a rotation Angle and use the Rotate forward and Rotate backward buttons to rotate clockwise and anti-clockwise.

  8. Select Rotate a copy to rotate a duplicate of the original object each time Rotate forward or Rotate backward is selected.

Tip:  With Rotate a copy active, select the new copy of the object to create another copy rotated further around the axis.

The rotation vector guide

The rotation vector is a visual aid that indicates the how the selected object will be rotated. It appears as a sector with an arrow indicting the direction of rotation and a straight arrow indicating the axis of rotation.

The rotation vector guide using the Axis aligned rotation method, rotating about the Z axis.