Stereonet Toolbar

Source file: stereonet-toolbar.htm

When a stereonet is loaded in its own view window, the view window toolbar and the View ribbon will display stereonet and related tools.

Stereonet tools in the View ribbon tab

The available tools are as follows:


The projection toggles between the following:

Equal angle (Wulff): A map projection on which a constant ratio of angle is preserved.

Equal area (Schmidt): A map projection on which a constant ratio of areas is preserved, so that any given part of the map has the same relation to the area on the sphere it represents as the whole map has to the entire area represented.

Grid style

Select from the following grid style options:

  • None: Turn off stereonet grid.
  • Equatorial: Change the stereonet grid to equatorial mode.
  • Polar: Change the stereonet grid to polar mode.

Clicking the button cycles through the options.

Pole Render Mode

Poles can be rendered in points or wireframe view by toggling Pole Render Mode.

Scale Poles

Select Scale Poles to size the poles according to their discontinuity lengths or triangle areas. Select the option from the tool panel and set the parameters.