Underground Mesh
Source file: underground-mesh.htm
Use the underground mesh tool to filter out wire reinforcement mesh from tunnel walls.
In the project explorer or view window, select the underground scan with the mesh to be filtered out.
On the Underground ribbon tab, go to the Filter group and select
Underground Mesh.
Select whether the walls have shotcrete or not.
Click OK.
Points on the walls identified as mesh will now be filtered with the mesh points coloured red.
In the following panel adjust the Mesh confidence slider, or enter a value in the box. The view will dynamically display how much of the scan will be identified as mesh and filtered out.
Select Keep mesh points to retain the mesh points in view and hide the rest. This will invert the point selection and colouring.
Select the required Filter combination if the data have already been subject to a different filter. See Filter Combinations.
Click OK.
Note: The points can be restored to view by clicking Show All in the Filter group of the Position and Filter ribbon tab.