
Source file: object-group.htm

The Object group tools enable you to split objects in two or merge a selection into one.


Split objects in two based on different cutting edges.


Merge a selection of primitives or objects into a single object.


The Split drop-down provides three tools that allow you to split one object into two separate objects:

  • Split off a selection of primitives.

  • Split using a line as the cutting edge.

  • Split using a polygon as the cutting edge.

Note:  Only surfaces can be split using Split by Line or Split by Polygon.

Expand below for details of each tool.


The Merge tool (Alt+W) enables you to combine multiple objects into a single object.

Note:  Any objects and scans can be merged into one object.

In the following example a stockpile is made up of multiple scans, however the selection of interest highlights only the relevant scans.

To merge objects:

  1. Select all the objects to merge into one.

  2. On the Edit tab, in the Object group, click Merge.

    The highlighted points are merged and combined into one object and saved in the cad container, labelled as merge.

All the selected points subject to merger.

The merged object in a new view window.