Colour Scheme

Source file: colour-scheme.htm

The Colour Scheme drop-down allows you to colour objects in various ways to make them more distinctive and easier to work with.

The colour schemes make use of intensity, range or height properties to colour and shade selected objects. These schemes are particularly useful for comparing objects to highlight specific features (e.g. geological features), or for presenting a more aesthetic appearance.

Note:  Only scans carry intensity and range information. If a colour scheme that makes use of intensity or range is applied to an object other than a scan, the scheme will make use of height instead.

To apply a colour scheme:

  1. Select the objects or primitives to be coloured.

  2. On the Home tab, go to the Colour group. From the Colour Scheme drop-down list, select one of the available schemes.

    Grey Intensity (Ctrl+1)

    Apply a greyscale, based on scan intensity.

    Random Intensity Tint (Ctrl+2)

    Apply a random colour, brightness determined by scan intensity.

    Grey Intensity and Hue Range (Ctrl+3)

    Apply a blend of shading and colour spectrum by intensity and range, respectively.

    Hue Range (Ctrl+4)

    Apply a colour spectrum by distance from the origin.

    Hot Intensity (Ctrl+5)

    Colour by intensity with a heat colour scheme.

    Yellow Blue Intensity (Ctrl+6)

    Colour by intensity graded yellow to blue.

    Monaro Intensity (Ctrl+7)

    Colour by intensity, graded purple to white.

    Spectrum Height (Ctrl+8)

    Apply a colour spectrum by height.

    Spectrum Intensity (Ctrl+9)

    Apply a colour spectrum by intensity.

    Random Colour by Container (Ctrl+Alt+2)

    Apply random colours to selected objects, according to their containers.

    Random Colour by Tag Value (Ctrl+Alt+3)

    Colour objects based on their attribute values. Expand below for detail.

    Colour by Grade (Ctrl+Alt+4)

    Colour a selected line by its inclination. Expand below for detail.

    Colour by Edge Length (Ctrl+Alt+6)

    Colour selected lines by their lengths. Expand below for detail.


    Generate a custom colour scheme. Expand below for detail.