
Source file: attributes.htm

The Attributes tools enable you to add tags to any selection of points or objects. These can be used to sort data according to different characteristics, to improve analysis and understanding of the data.

Point Attributes

Create and apply attributes to points.

Object Attributes

Create and apply attributes to objects.

Create Attributes

Attribute creation is identical for both point and object attributes.

To create attributes follow these steps:

  1. Select objects or primitives to be assigned an attribute.

  2. On the Position and Filter tab, either:

    1. From the Filter group, click Edit Attributes.

      The Edit Attributes tool will open.

      Note:  If you select an object that already has tags, those tags will be displayed in the tool panel.

    2. Select the appropriate <Primitive type> Tags from the drop-down list.

      Note:  Options called <Primitive type> Properties may appear in the drop-down, depending on the selection. These are only available for viewing and filtering primitives.

    3. Click the button.


    1. From the Attributes group, click either Point Attributes or Object Attributes

    2. Select Apply Object/Point Tags from the drop-down.

      Either an Add/Set Point Tags or an Add/Set Object Tags panel will open.


      These panels are also accessible from the context menu. Right-click a point or object, hover over Attributes and select either Object Attributes... or Point Attributes....

  3. Enter a name for the attribute in the Name field, or select an existing one from the drop-down list.

  4. If required, enter a value for the attribute in the Value (optional) field, or select an existing one from the drop-down list.

  5. Select a data type from the Data type drop-down list.

  6. Tip:  See Attribute rules, below for more information.

  7. Click OK or Apply.

The attribute will be created and applied to the selected data.

Note:  User created attributes are saved in the Windows registry, so are available to use in other PointStudio projects.

Tip:  You can create a new tag by copying an existing one. Select the existing tag, then click , enter a name for the duplicate and click OK. Make any necessary adjustments to the duplicate. See Edit Attributes, below.

Assign Attributes

Attributes that have already been created can be applied to other data from the Point Attributes and Object Attributes tools.

  • To assign an attribute, select the data then click either Point Attributes or Object Attributes and select a pre-made attribute from the list.


Note:  A list of up to the ten most recent Point Attributes and ten Object Attributes will be available for a quick selection.


You can also assign attributes from the context menu. Right-click a point or object, hover over Attributes and select either Object Attributes... or Point Attributes....

Edit Attributes

To edit attributes, follow these steps:

  1. Select the object with the tags to be edited.

  2. On the Position and Filter tab, in the Filter group, click Edit Attributes.

    Note:  You can also access the Edit Attributes tool from the property editor. Click Edit.. next to Object Attributes.

  3. Select the appropriate <Primitive type> Tag from the drop-down list.

    Note:  The tag types listed will depend on the types of objects that are selected.

  4. Make any necessary changes to the attributes. See Attribute rules, below for more information.

    Tip:  Remove a tag from an object or primitive by selecting the tag, then clicking .

  5. Close the panel when finished.

A set of object attributes (left) and point attributes (right)


If you select <Primitive type> Properties from the drop-down list, the properties of all points in the selection will be displayed.

In this case, the , and buttons are replaced with the button. Click to open the Filter by Attribute tool.

Attribute rules

Expand below for details on relevant attribute types.