Automated Initial Positioning

Source file: automated-initial-positioning.htm

The Automated Initial Positioning tool enables you to register unregistered scans against a reference scan. This tool produces a reasonably good fit for a first attempt. Once positioned the registration should be completed using Global Registration.

Note:  The reference scan must be one that has already been registered.

The Automated Initial Positioning tool requires scans to be level, or nearly level.

  1. View the reference and unregistered scans in a view window.

  2. On the Position and Filter tab, go to the Register group. From the Automated Positioning drop-down list select Automated Initial Positioning.

  3. Select the unregistered scans in the project explorer and drag them into the Data to register section of the panel, or click the corresponding button.

  4. Select the reference scan in the project explorer and drag it into the Fixed reference data section of the panel, or click the corresponding button.

  5. Click OK or Apply to start the registration process.

  6. Once registration has completed, visually inspect the scans to ensure they are positioned correctly.

  7. Tip:  If the scans do not position correctly try increasing the Sampling level. Otherwise use the assisted initial positioning tool on the Labs tab. See Register > Assisted Initial Positioning.

  8. Proceed with global registration.

Note:  The scans will be assembled with the lowest quality alignments last. Therefore, you can deregister the last scans if necessary, and try registering again for a better result. See Register > To Origin.

An initial group of unregistered tunnel scans (left) automatically aligned (right).

Pit scans can also be aligned automatically.

Zoomed in detail of minor misalignment of edges of scans (left). Global registration used to fine-tune alignment of these edges (right).