Data Trigger

For help on the aspects of configuration shared by all components, see General Configuration of Components.

Suppose you want to execute a series of actions based on a change within your file system.

A Data Trigger component is used to detect an event within the Workbench or on the file system to trigger actions in a workflow.

To configure the component, you need to fill out the following fields:

  • Trigger event — The event that needs to occur to activate the trigger. Events included:

    • A file being Created.

    • A file being Edited.

    • A file being Saved.

    • A file being Deleted.

    • A file being Renamed.

    • A file being Loaded.

    • A file being Unloaded.

    • A file Locked.

    • A file being Unlocked.

  • Data item type— The file or folder in which is trigger is being detected.

  • Item or container— The location of the item or container.

  • Item (if contained)— The name of the item within a container i.e. a layer within a dgd.isis file.

In the example workflow above, the Data Trigger component recognises a change in a CSV file (a value is being written to a CSV File). Once the change is recognised, the CSV is opened.