
The Calendar tab contains two tabs: Calendar and Configuration.


The following parameters defined in the Economic Model > Calendar tab are used to calculate the NPV.

  • Admin/Fixed Cost ($ per year) — Enter the cost occurring while the mine is in operations.
  • Mining Capacity (tonnes per year) — Enter a practical mining upper limit that can be achieved.
  • Capital Injection ($ per year) — Enter any up front or on-going capital requirements.
  • Rehabilitation Cost (% per year) — Enter the Rehabilitation cost increase per period.
  • Mining Cost Escalation (% per year) — Enter the mining cost increase per period.
  • Crusher Capacity (tonnes per year) — Enter the crusher limit of the primary crusher.
  • Capacity (tonnes per year) —  Enter the upper limit of the processing plant. If the processing throughput is not yet known, each of the process nodes can have the same capacity as the crusher capacity, allowing you to determine the appropriate process feed. This input can be refined as each schedule scenario is performed.
  • Processing Cost Escalation (% per year) — Enter the processing cost increase / decrease per period
  • Refining Capacity (units per year) — Set the maximum units that should be produced to prevent either a market flood of the element, or a capacity limit relating to smelting or refining of the product.
  • Selling Costs ($ per unit) — Enter the cost associated with selling or refining of the element. i.e. this could be a rail cost, shipping cost, or a refining cost.
  • Price ($ per unit) — Enter the price per unit for the element.
  • Rehandle Cost ($ per tonne) — Enter the cost per tonne to rehandle a tonne of material from stockpile to the mill.
  • Rehandle Cost ($ per tonne) — Enter the cost per tonne to rehandle a tonne of material from stockpile to the mill.
  • Maximum Reclaim — Enter the maximum reclaim percentage of an ore when recovered from stockpile. This can be 100% recovery if aiming for mining only from stockpiles or can be zero resulting in mining only from pits. Note that the maximum reclaim is set as a percentage of the crusher capacity not the process capacity.


Click here to see Configuration view.