Stockpile Productivity

Source file: epoch-setups-resources-stockpile-productivity.htm

The Stockpile Productivity tab allows you to define reclaiming productivity and loading times.

This tab contains the following two tables.

Stockpile Productivity

The Stockpile Productivity table allows you to define the productivity of each digger fleet in each associated stockpile. The productivity is the amount of material that can be moved per time period and is defined in tonnes per hour.

To define the productivity of a fleet in a specific stockpile, enter the productivity value into the cell corresponding to the desired fleet and stockpile. For example, in the image below we have defined the productivity of the Stockpile Digger Fleet to be 10 000 tonnes/hour when working in the Leach Stockpile.

Loading Time

The Loading Time table allows you to define the loading time of each truck and digger combination. The loading time is the time it takes to load material into the truck and is defined in seconds. To define the loading time of a fleet in a specific stockpile, enter the loading time value into the cell corresponding to the desired fleet and stockpile.


The Loading Time table will only appear if you have assigned linked diggers to work in at least one stockpile.

Optionally, verify your input values by viewing the results in a Live Dashboard by following these steps:

  1. Open the Live Dashboard and add a pivot report.

  2. Configure your pivot report by completing the following:

    1. Set the source to MaterialTable.

    2. Add ActivityName and Equipment pivot fields to the Row Labels section of the report.

    3. Add Tonnage pivot field to the Values section of the report.

    4. Create a new pivot report and this time, set the source to ActivityTable.

    5. Add the Duration pivot field to the Values section of the report.

  3. For each equipment set, calculate the productivity rate by dividing the tonnage in the MaterialTable by the duration in the ActivityTable. The values calculated should either match or be less than those set in the Resources > Stockpile Productivity tab.