Net Present Value
Source file: origin-reserve-setups-objectives-npv.htm
The net present value (NPV) objective is used to perform value calculations during a schedule optimisation, which generates higher values based on costs and revenue.
The NPV tab is used to assign more complex economic costs to the setup. These include:
- Discount rate: The value lost per period.
- Mining cost: The cost to physically remove material.
- Processing cost: The cost associated with mill usage.
- Rehabilitation cost: The cost per ton applied to transport material to a waste utility.
- Rehandle cost: The cost per ton applied to material taken from a stockpile.
- Reclaim: The cost per ton to transport material from a stockpile to a mill.
- Recovery: The percentage for recovering material from a stockpile.
Use the Calendar >
NPV subtab to assign basic NPV costs and value on a per period basis.