Create a DomainMCF Model

The tools for working with DomainMCF are all located on the DomainMCF ribbon tab.

DomainMCF models are generated by bundling your input data and model parameters into processing units called Jobs. When you start a job, the data is uploaded to the Maptek Compute Framework (MCF) for processing in the cloud. The MCF uses machine learning techniques to predict domain boundaries based on the input data and generates a block model. When processing is complete, you can download and view the model in Vulcan GeologyCore.

Get started using DomainMCF modelling by following these steps:

  1. Launch the DomainMCF Jobs tool.

    The DomainMCF Jobs tool allows you to manage all of your DomainMCF jobs.

    To launch the tool, click DomainMCF Jobs on the ribbon.

    The DomainMCF Jobs panel appears.

    From this panel you can configure and submit new jobs, as well as view summaries of previous jobs.

  2. Configure a job.

    A DomainMCF job starts off as draft, which means it has not been submitted for processing yet.

    The first time you open the DomainMCF Jobs panel, a new draft is created for you ready to fill out. Subsequently, if there are existing jobs in the list, you’ll need to start a new job by clicking New Job.

    One you have a draft job, you need to supply a set of inputs. Each input has a status icon next to it, as follows:

    Input incomplete
    Input complete
    Input complete with warnings
    Input invalid

    Configure the inputs as follows:

    1. Optionally rename the job in the Job Name field.

    2. Specify the sample data.

      The sample data is a set of points that provide the known domain values. DomainMCF uses these known points to build a model, which is then used to estimate the domain at any given point within the block model extent.

      In the Sample Data field, specify either:

      • One or more drillhole databases . Vulcan GeologyCore will automatically extract the sample points from the drillholes as interval midpoints. If you specify a database, all drillholes in the databases specified will be used.

      • A set of sample points .

        You can generate a set of sample points by running the Extract Points option on a drillhole selection. Do this if you wish to model multiple domain fields in the same model, or use grade to help predict domains.

      • Combine multiple point sets .

        You can correlate and combine multiple sample points by running the option Correlate and Combine points. Use this option when you have multiple point sets that you wish to upload to the DomainMCF.

    3. Specify a block model definition.

      A block model definition contains the physical configuration of the desired block model, including its origin, extent, orientation and block size constraints, as well as the names of the variables you want to model.

      You can either supply an existing block model definition, or let Vulcan GeologyCore generate one for you based on your sample data.

      • To use an existing block model definition , drag it from the project explorer into the Block Model Definition field. Block model definitions are stored in the block model definitions container by default. To import a block model definition from a Vulcan block model definition file (*.bdf), go to HomeData Import.

      • To generate a block model definition from your sample data, simply click to the right of the Block Model Definition field. The generated block model definition will be created in the block model definitions container , named after the job name, and suffixed with “BDF”.

      Note:  DomainMCF accepts regular block models (having all blocks the same size), and sub-blocked block models with a parent to sub-block ratio of ½, ¼, ⅛ or 1/16. Imported block model definitions will be rounded to the nearest size compatible with DomainMCF.

      Whether you supply an existing definition or generate one, you can inspect and modify the parameters by clicking to the right of the Block Model Definition field.

    4. Optionally specify limits to constrain the size and shape of the realised block model.

      Drag and drop into the Limits (Optional) field either:

      • Two surfaces , representing top and bottom topographic surfaces.

        Vulcan GeologyCore will automatically detect which surface is the top and which is the bottom surface—but you can also edit this classification manually by clicking to the right of the field. The realised block model will be confined to the region between the two surfaces.

      • A single solid . The realised block model will be confined to the region inside the solid.

        Specifying a convex hull is a good way of limiting the generated model to the volume covered by the sample data.

    5. By default, DomainMCF will perform domain prediction on the selected domain variable. You can also select the following job options:

      • Report domain boundary confidence values — Select this checkbox if you would like DomainMCF to assign a confidence value to each interpolated domain value. Confidence values are in the range of 0-100. A value of 100 indicates that DomainMCF is 100% certain that the domain prediction is correct. Likewise, a value of 0 indicates that DomainMCF has no certainty that the domain value is correct.

      • Report grade trends — Select this checkbox if you would like DomainMCF to calculate the trend of each grade in the sample data. The resulting block model will include a trend attribute for each grade variable. Trend attributes are named after the grade variable suffixed with "_trend".

    Once all the inputs are valid , the Start Job button becomes enabled, meaning you can submit the job for processing.

  3. Run the job.

    1. To submit your job for processing, click Start Job.

      A panel appears asking you to confirm the job.

      Note the Available balance of processing time you have left, and the Estimated compute time for the job.

    2. Click OK to proceed.

      Your job begins uploading to the MCF server for processing, and the DomainMCF Job tool displays a summary of the job details.

  4. Download and view the result.

    When processing is complete, click Download to download the resulting block model, which will be stored in the block models container .

    After downloading, click View Block Model to load the block model into a new view window.

    To colour the block model, right-click on it in the view, and in the context menu select Colour ByDomain.

Create an Implicit Model

Create a Stratigraphic Model