
Image data objects.

Image objects are used to apply complicated textures to other objects.

class Raster(object_id=None, lock_type=LockType.READWRITE, width=None, height=None, *, image=None)

Bases: DataObject

Class representing raster images which can be draped onto other objects.

Topology objects which support raster association possess an associate_raster function which accepts a Raster and a RasterRegistration object which allows the raster to be draped onto that object.

  • width (int) – The width of the raster.

  • height (int) – The height of the raster.

  • image (str | Image.Image | pathlib.Path) – The path to an image file. The image will be opened using pillow and used to populate the pixels, width and height of the raster. Alternatively, this can be a PIL.Image.Image object which will be used to populate the pixels, width and height of the raster. If this argument is specified also specifying the width and height arguments will raise an error.

  • object_id (ObjectID) –

  • lock_type (LockType) –

  • TypeError – If image is not a string, pathlib.Path or Pil.Image.Image.

  • ValueError – If image is specified and width or height is specified.

  • FileNotFoundError – If image is the path to a non-existent file.

  • PIL.UnidentifiedImageError – If image is the path to a file which pillow does not recognise as an image.

  • PIL.DecompressionBombError – If image is the path to an image file which seems to be a “decompression bomb” - a maliciously crafted file intended to crash or otherwise disrupt the application when it is imported.


This object provides a consistent interface to the pixels of the raster image regardless of the underlying format. If the underlying format is JPEG or another format which does not support alpha, the alpha will always be read as 255 and any changes to the alpha components will be ignored.

See also

associate a raster with a surface.


Help page for this class.


Create a Raster sourcing the dimensions and pixels of the raster from a file called image.png.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> from import Raster
>>> project = Project()
>>> # Raster typically have a path of None because they are associated
>>> # with other objects.
>>> with, Raster(image="path/to/image.jpg")) as raster:
...     # Perform operations on the raster here and associate it with
...     # an object.
...     pass
classmethod static_type()

Return the type of raster as stored in a Project.

This can be used for determining if the type of an object is a raster.

Return type


property id: ObjectID[Raster]

Object ID that uniquely references this object in the project.


The unique id of this object.

Return type


property width: int

The width of the raster. This is the number of pixels in each row.

property height: int

The height of the raster. This is the number of pixels in each column.

resize(new_width, new_height, resize_image=True)

Resizes the raster to the new width and height.

  • new_width (int) – The new width for the raster. Pass None to keep the width unchanged.

  • new_height (int) – The new height for the raster. Pass None to keep the height unchanged.

  • resize_image (bool) – If True (default) The raster will be resized to fill the new size using a simple nearest neighbour search if the size is reduced, or simple bilinear interpolation. This will also change the format to JPEG (and hence the alpha component of the pixels will be discarded). If False, the current pixels are discarded and replaced with transparent white (or white if the format does not support transparency). This will not change the underlying format.

  • TypeError – If width or height cannot be converted to an integer.

  • ValueError – If width or height is less than one.

  • RuntimeError – If called when creating a new raster.


After calling resize with resize_image=True it is an error to access pixels or pixels_2d until the object is closed and reopened.


Halve the size of all rasters on an object. Note that because resize_image is true, the existing pixels will be changed to make a smaller version of the image.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> project = Project()
>>> with"surfaces/target") as read_object:
>>>     for raster in read_object.rasters.values():
...         with project.edit(raster) as edit_raster:
...             edit_raster.resize(edit_raster.width // 2,
...                                edit_raster.height // 2,
...                                resize_image=True)
property pixel_count: int

The total number of pixels in the raster.

property pixels: ndarray

The pixels of the raster.

This pixels are represented as a numpy array of shape (pixel_count, 4) where each row is the colour of a pixel in the form: [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha].

See pixels_2d for the pixels reshaped to match the width and height of the raster.


RuntimeError – If accessed after calling resize with resize_image = True.


Accessing the pixels via this function is best when the two dimensional nature of the raster is not relevant or useful. The below example shows removing the green component from all of the pixels in an raster. Has no effect if the object at surfaces/target does not have an associated raster.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> project = Project()
>>> with"surfaces/target") as read_object:
>>>     for raster in read_object.rasters.values():
...         with project.edit(raster) as edit_raster:
...             edit_raster.pixels[:, 1] = 0
property pixels_2d: ndarray

The pixels reshaped to match the width and height of the raster.

pixels_2d[0][0] is the colour of the pixel in the bottom left hand corner of the raster. pixels_2d[i][j] is the colour of the pixel i pixels to the right of the bottom left hand corner and j pixels above the bottom left hand corner.

The returned array will have shape (height, width, 4).

  • ValueError – If set using a string which cannot be converted to an integer.

  • ValueError – If set to a value which cannot be broadcast to the right shape.

  • TypeError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to an integer.


This returns the pixels in an ideal format to be passed to the raster.fromarray function in the 3rd party pillow library.


As pixels_2d allows access to the two dimensional nature of the raster, it can allow different transformations to be applied to different parts of the raster. The example below performs a different transformation to each quarter of the raster. Has no effect if the object at surfaces/target has no associated rasters.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> project = Project()
>>> with"surfaces/target") as read_object:
...     for raster in read_object.rasters.values():
...         with project.edit(raster) as edit_raster:
...             width = edit_raster.width
...             height = edit_raster.height
...             half_width = edit_raster.width // 2
...             half_height = edit_raster.height // 2
...             # Remove red from the bottom left hand corner.
...             edit_raster.pixels_2d[0:half_height, 0:half_width, 0] = 0
...             # Remove green from the top left hand corner.
...             edit_raster.pixels_2d[half_height:height,
...                                   0:half_width, 1] = 0
...             # Remove blue from the bottom right hand corner.
...             edit_raster.pixels_2d[0:half_height,
...                                   half_width:width, 2] = 0
...             # Maximizes the red component in the top right hand corner.
...             edit_raster.pixels_2d[half_height:height,
...                                   half_width:width, 0] = 255
property title: str

The title of the raster.

This is shown in the manage images panel. Generally this is the name of the file the raster was imported from.


Returns a Pillow.Image.Image object of the Raster.


A pillow image object with the same pixels as the raster.

Return type



Changing the returned object will not affect the Raster.


WARNING: These examples are incomplete and will not run by themselves. They assume a Project instance called project has been created and that raster_id has been set to the ObjectID of a raster object.

Save the pixels of the raster to a PNG file.

>>> with as raster:
...     pillow_image = raster.to_pillow()
..."{raster.title}.png", "png")

Show the raster to the user in the standard image viewer.

>>> with as raster:
...     pillow_image = raster.to_pillow()
property registration: RasterRegistration

Returns the registration for this raster.

The registration is an object which defines how the raster is draped onto Topology Objects.

If no raster registration is set, this will return a RasterRegistrationNone object. If raster registration is set, but the SDK does not support the type of registration, it will return a RasterRegistrationUnsupported object. Otherwise it will return a RasterRegistration subclass representing the existing registration.

  • TypeError – If set to a value which is not a RasterRegistration.

  • ValueError – If set to an invalid RasterRegistration.


You should not assign to this property directly. Instead pass the registration to the associate_raster() function of the object you would like to associate the raster with.


Saves changes to the raster to the Project.


Returns a list containing the names of all object-level attributes.

Use this to iterate over the object attributes.


List containing the attribute names.

Return type



Iterate over all object attributes of the object stared at “target” and print their values.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> project = Project()
>>> with"target") as read_object:
...     for name in read_object.attribute_names():
...         print(name, ":", read_object.get_attribute(name))

Closes the object.

This should be called as soon as you are finished working with an object. To avoid needing to remember to call this function, open the object using a with block and, or project.edit(). Those functions automatically call this function at the end of the with block.

A closed object cannot be used for further reading or writing. The ID of a closed object may be queried and this can then be used to re-open the object.

property closed: bool

If this object has been closed.

Attempting to read or edit a closed object will raise an ObjectClosedError. Such an error typically indicates an error in the script and should not be caught.


If the object was opened with the, Project.edit() or in a “with” block, this will be True until the with block is closed and False afterwards.

>>> with"cad/point_set", PointSet) as point_set:
>>>     point_set.points = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
>>>     print("closed?", point_set.closed)
>>> print("closed?", point_set.closed)
closed? False
closed? True
property created_date: datetime

The date and time (in UTC) of when this object was created.


The date and time the object was created. 0:0:0 1/1/1970 if the operation failed.

Return type



Delete all object attributes attached to an object.

This only deletes object attributes and has no effect on PrimitiveAttributes.


RuntimeError – If all attributes cannot be deleted.


Deletes a single object-level attribute.

Deleting a non-existent object attribute will not raise an error.


attribute (str) – Name of attribute to delete.


True if the object attribute existed and was deleted; False if the object attribute did not exist.

Return type



RuntimeError – If the attribute cannot be deleted.


Returns the value for the attribute with the specified name.


name (str) – The name of the object attribute to get the value for.


The value of the object attribute name. For dtype = datetime.datetime this is an integer representing the number of milliseconds since 1st Jan 1970. For dtype = this is a tuple of the form: (year, month, day).

Return type



KeyError – If there is no object attribute called name.


In the future this function may be changed to return datetime.datetime and objects instead of the current representation for object attributes of type datetime.datetime or


Returns the type of the attribute with the specified name.


name (str) – Name of the attribute whose type should be returned.


The type of the object attribute name.

Return type



KeyError – If there is no object attribute called name.

property is_read_only: bool

If this object is read-only.

This will return True if the object was open with and False if it was open with Project.edit() or Attempting to edit a read-only object will raise an error.

property lock_type: LockType

Indicates whether operating in read-only or read-write mode.

Use the is_read_only property instead for checking if an object is open for reading or editing.


The type of lock on this object. This will be LockType.ReadWrite if the object is open for editing and LockType.Read if the object is open for reading.

Return type


property modified_date: datetime

The date and time (in UTC) of when this object was last modified.


The date and time this object was last modified. 0:0:0 1/1/1970 if the operation failed.

Return type


set_attribute(name, dtype, data)

Sets the value for the object attribute with the specified name.

This will overwrite any existing attribute with the specified name.

  • name (str) – The name of the object attribute for which the value should be set.

  • dtype (type[Union[NoneType, Type[NoneType], ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.c_byte, ctypes.c_ubyte, ctypes.c_short, ctypes.c_ushort, ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_longlong, ctypes.c_ulonglong, ctypes.c_float, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_char_p, datetime.datetime,]] | None) – The type of data to assign to the attribute. This should be a type from the ctypes module or datetime.datetime or Passing bool is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_bool. Passing str is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_char_p. Passing int is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_int16. Passing float is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_double.

  • data (Any) – The value to assign to object attribute name. For dtype = datetime.datetime this can either be a datetime object or timestamp which will be passed directly to datetime.utcfromtimestamp(). For dtype = this can either be a date object or a tuple of the form: (year, month, day).

  • ValueError – If dtype is an unsupported type.

  • TypeError – If value is an inappropriate type for object attribute name.

  • ValueError – If name starts or ends with whitespace or is empty.

  • RuntimeError – If a different error occurs.


Object attributes are saved separately from the object itself - any changes made by this function (assuming it does not raise an error) will be saved even if save() is not called (for example, due to an error being raised by another function).


Create an object attribute on an object at “target” and then read its value.

>>> import ctypes
>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> project = Project()
>>> with project.edit("target") as edit_object:
...     edit_object.set_attribute("count", ctypes.c_int16, 0)
... with"target") as read_object:
...     print(read_object.get_attribute("count"))
class RasterRegistration

Bases: object

Base class for all types of raster registration.

This is useful for type checking.

property is_valid: bool

True if the object is valid.


Checks if the registration is invalid.

Raises a ValueError if the registration is detected to be invalid.

If is_valid is False then calling this function will raise a ValueError containing information on why the registration is considered invalid.


ValueError – If the raster is invalid.

class RasterRegistrationNone

Bases: RasterRegistration

Class representing no raster registration is present.


This is always considered valid, so raise_if_valid will never raise an error for this object.

property is_valid: bool

True if the object is valid.


Checks if the registration is invalid.

Raises a ValueError if the registration is detected to be invalid.

If is_valid is False then calling this function will raise a ValueError containing information on why the registration is considered invalid.


ValueError – If the raster is invalid.

class RasterRegistrationUnsupported

Bases: RasterRegistration

Class representing a raster registration which is not supported.

If you would like an unsupported registration method to be supported then use request support.


This is always considered invalid so raise_if_valid will always raise an error.

property is_valid: bool

True if the object is valid.


Checks if the registration is invalid.

Raises a ValueError if the registration is detected to be invalid.

If is_valid is False then calling this function will raise a ValueError containing information on why the registration is considered invalid.


ValueError – If the raster is invalid.

class PointPairRegistrationBase

Bases: RasterRegistration

Base class for registration objects which use image/world point pairs.

classmethod minimum_point_pairs()

The minimum number of world / image point pairs required.


The minimum number of world / image point pairs required.

Return type


property is_valid: bool

True if the object is valid.


Checks if the registration is invalid.

Raises a ValueError if the registration is detected to be invalid.

If is_valid is False then calling this function will raise a ValueError containing information on why the registration is considered invalid.


ValueError – If the raster is invalid.

property image_points: ndarray

The points on the image used to map the raster onto an object.

This is a numpy array of points in image coordinates where [0, 0] is the bottom left hand corner of the image and [width, height] is the top right hand corner of the image.

Each of these points should match one of the world points. If the raster is mapped onto an object, the pixel at image_points[i] will be placed at world_points[i] on the surface.

  • ValueError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a two dimensional array containing two dimensional points or if any value in the array cannot be converted to a floating point number.

  • TypeError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a numpy array.

property world_points: ndarray

The world points used to map the raster onto an object.

This is a numpy array of points in world coordinates.

Each of these points should match one of the image points. If the raster is mapped onto an object, the pixel at image_points[i] will be placed at world_points[i] on the surface.

  • ValueError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a two dimensional array containing three dimensional points or if any value in the array cannot be converted to a floating point number.

  • TypeError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a numpy array.

class RasterRegistrationTwoPoint(image_points=None, world_points=None, orientation=None)

Bases: PointPairRegistrationBase

Represents a simple two-point raster registration.

This simple registration uses two points and an orientation to project a raster onto an object (typically a Surface).

  • image_points (np.ndarray | None) – The image points to assign to the object. See the property for more details.

  • world_points (np.ndarray | None) – The world points to assign to the object. See the property for more details.

  • orientation (np.ndarray | None) – The orientation to assign to the object. See the property for more details.

See also

Pass a RasterRegistrationTwoPoint and a raster to this function to associate the raster with a surface.

property image_points: ndarray

The points on the image used to map the raster onto an object.

This is a numpy array of points in image coordinates where [0, 0] is the bottom left hand corner of the image and [width, height] is the top right hand corner of the image.

Each of these points should match one of the world points. If the raster is mapped onto an object, the pixel at image_points[i] will be placed at world_points[i] on the surface.

  • ValueError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a two dimensional array containing two dimensional points or if any value in the array cannot be converted to a floating point number.

  • TypeError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a numpy array.

property world_points: ndarray

The world points used to map the raster onto an object.

This is a numpy array of points in world coordinates.

Each of these points should match one of the image points. If the raster is mapped onto an object, the pixel at image_points[i] will be placed at world_points[i] on the surface.

  • ValueError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a two dimensional array containing three dimensional points or if any value in the array cannot be converted to a floating point number.

  • TypeError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a numpy array.

classmethod minimum_point_pairs()

The minimum number of world / image point pairs required.


The minimum number of world / image point pairs required.

Return type


property is_valid: bool

True if the object is valid.


Checks if the registration is invalid.

Raises a ValueError if the registration is detected to be invalid.

If is_valid is False then calling this function will raise a ValueError containing information on why the registration is considered invalid.


ValueError – If the raster is invalid.

property orientation: ndarray

The orientation vector used to map the raster onto an object.

This is a numpy array of shape (3,) of the form [X, Y, Z] representing the direction from which the raster is projected onto the object. The components may all be nan for certain raster associations which do not use projections (eg: panoramic image onto a scan).

If this is [0, 0, 1] the raster is projected onto the object from the positive z direction (above). [0, 0, -1] would project the raster onto the object from the negative z direction (below).

  • ValueError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a numpy array of shape (3,) or if any value in the array cannot be converted to a floating point number.

  • TypeError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a numpy array.

class RasterRegistrationMultiPoint(image_points=None, world_points=None)

Bases: PointPairRegistrationBase

Represents a multi-point raster registration.

Represents a raster registration which uses eight or more points to project a raster onto an object (typically a Surface).

  • image_points (np.ndarray | None) – The image points to assign to the object. See the property for more details.

  • world_points (np.ndarray | None) – The world points to assign to the object. See the property for more details.

See also

Pass a RasterRegistrationMultiPoint and a raster to this function to associate the raster with a surface.


Though the minimum points required for multi point registration is eight, in most cases twelve or more points are required to get good results.

property is_valid: bool

True if the object is valid.


Checks if the registration is invalid.

Raises a ValueError if the registration is detected to be invalid.

If is_valid is False then calling this function will raise a ValueError containing information on why the registration is considered invalid.


ValueError – If the raster is invalid.

property image_points: ndarray

The points on the image used to map the raster onto an object.

This is a numpy array of points in image coordinates where [0, 0] is the bottom left hand corner of the image and [width, height] is the top right hand corner of the image.

Each of these points should match one of the world points. If the raster is mapped onto an object, the pixel at image_points[i] will be placed at world_points[i] on the surface.

  • ValueError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a two dimensional array containing two dimensional points or if any value in the array cannot be converted to a floating point number.

  • TypeError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a numpy array.

property world_points: ndarray

The world points used to map the raster onto an object.

This is a numpy array of points in world coordinates.

Each of these points should match one of the image points. If the raster is mapped onto an object, the pixel at image_points[i] will be placed at world_points[i] on the surface.

  • ValueError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a two dimensional array containing three dimensional points or if any value in the array cannot be converted to a floating point number.

  • TypeError – If set to a value which cannot be converted to a numpy array.

classmethod minimum_point_pairs()

The minimum number of world / image point pairs required.


The minimum number of world / image point pairs required.

Return type
