mapteksdk.labs.view module

Manipulation of views.

This module contains a view controller class with additional functionality which is still a work-in-progress. It is being provided through labs for earlier feedback.

To use the labs version of the ViewController, you can:

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> from mapteksdk.labs.view import enable_labs_on_view_controller
>>> import mapteksdk.operations as operations
>>> project = Project()
>>> view = operations.open_new_view()
>>> enable_labs_on_view_controller(view)
>>> camera =
>>> print(camera.origin, camera.artificial_scale)
class RigidTransform

Bases: mapteksdk.internal.comms.InlineMessage

Represents a rigid body (6 degree of freedom) transformation in 3D space.

rotation: (<class 'ctypes.c_double'>, <class 'ctypes.c_double'>, <class 'ctypes.c_double'>, <class 'ctypes.c_double'>)
translation: (<class 'ctypes.c_double'>, <class 'ctypes.c_double'>, <class 'ctypes.c_double'>)
classmethod from_handle(handle)

Read the message from a handle.


A message object populated with the values from the given handle.

Return type


class Camera

Bases: mapteksdk.internal.comms.Message

Response back for the Camera request.

origin: (<class 'ctypes.c_double'>, <class 'ctypes.c_double'>, <class 'ctypes.c_double'>)
artificial_scale: (<class 'ctypes.c_double'>, <class 'ctypes.c_double'>, <class 'ctypes.c_double'>)
rigid_transform: mapteksdk.labs.view.RigidTransform
angular_field_of_view: ctypes.c_double
linear_field_of_view: ctypes.c_double
perspective_factor: ctypes.c_double
classmethod from_handle(handle)

Read the message from a handle.

This is useful when receiving a message from a sender.


A message object populated with the values from the given handle.

Return type


message_name = ''

Send the message to the destination.


destination (str) – The destination of where to send the message.

class LabsViewController(view_id:

Bases: mapteksdk.view.ViewController

Provides access onto a specified view, with additional work-in progress features.


Return the current camera (i.e position/orientation) for the view.

set_camera(new_camera, smoothly=True)

Change the current camera of the view.

  • new_camera (Camera) – The new camera to use for the view.

  • smoothly (bool) – Whether the camera should smoothly transition to the new state, or if it should change instantaneously.

change_camera(change_function, smoothly=True)

Change a part of the camera.

The part that is changed is based on what the change_function does. It is called with the current state of the camera and should make the appropriate modifications to it

  • change_function (callable) – A function that will be passed the current state of the camera and should modify it and return the modified version back.

  • smoothly (bool) – Whether the camera should smoothly transition to the new state, or if it should change instantaneously.


Adds the provided objects to the view.


objects (list) – A list of IDs of objects to add to the view.

property background_colour

The background colour of the view window as a tuple containing red, green, blue, alpha values of the colour. Each value is an integer in the range [0, 255].

When changing the background colour, the alpha is optional and the colour may be given as either a tuple, list or ndarray.




Close the view.

Avoid closing views that you didn’t open, as such avoid closing the view if it came from a non-empty active view. This is because you may close a view that was being used by another tool in the application.

A case where closing the view is a good idea is if the script creates one and is interactive and long-running. Think about when the script is done if the person running the script would miss seeing what is in the view, would find it a hassle to have to close it themself or if the content is no longer relevant after the script has exited.


Opens a new view then closes it.

>>> import mapteksdk.operations as operations
>>> project = Project()
>>> view = operations.open_new_view()
>>> input('Press enter to finish')
>>> view.close()

Hide the provided objects in the view.

Hiding objects not in the view will do nothing.


objects (list) – A list of IDs of objects to hide.


Return a list of objects that are in the the view.


object_filter (ObjectFilter) – A filter that limits what objects are returned.


A list of object IDs of objects that are in the view that meet the filter criteria.

Return type



Removes the provided objects from the view if present.

Removing objects not in the view will do nothing.


objects (list) – A list of IDs of objects to remove from the view.


Show the provided objects in the view (if hidden).

If the objects are not in the view then they won’t be shown.


objects (list) – A list of IDs of objects to hide.

property window_title

Return the window title (the name of the view) as seen in the application.

enable_labs_on_view_controller(view_controller) mapteksdk.labs.view.LabsViewController

Enables the labs functionality on the given view controller.


The provided view controller with labs functionality enabled.

Return type


  • TypeError – If the labs functionality has already been enabled.

  • TypeError – If the object is not a view controller.