mapteksdk.workflows.connector_types module

Basic connector type subclasses.

These can be passed to WorkflowArgumentParser.declare_input_connector and WorkflowArgumentParser.declare_output_connector to determine which type of data the connector should accept. The names of these classes match the names of the connectors types as displayed in workflows.


Returns the corresponding ConnectorType subclass for a Python type.

This only contains mappings for the ConnectorType subclasses defined in this file.


python_type (Type) – The Python type to match to a basic connector type.


The corresponding ConnectorType subclass from this file.

Return type



KeyError – If there was no corresponding ConnectorType subclass.

class AnyConnectorType

Bases: mapteksdk.workflows.connector_type.ConnectorType

Connector type representing no connector type set.

This corresponds to the connector type being blank on the workflows side. Input connectors of this type will accept any value from other connectors and the string representation of that value will be returned. Output connectors of this type will accept any value which can be converted into a string.

classmethod type_string()
classmethod from_string(string_value)
classmethod to_json(value)
classmethod to_default_json(value)

Converts the value to a json serializable default.

This allows for specifying a different representation for default values. The output of this function should not include lists.

Overwrite this function to raise an error to indicate that default values are not supported.

By default this calls to_json.


String representation of value.

Return type


  • TypeError – If value is not a supported type.

  • ValueError – If value is the correct type but an invalid value.

class StringConnectorType

Bases: mapteksdk.workflows.connector_type.ConnectorType

Connector type corresponding to String on the workflows side and str on the Python side.

This can be passed to declare_input_connector or declare_output_connector to declare the connector type as String. Passing the python type str is equivalent to passing this class.


This example sets the output connector “reversed” to contain a reversed version of the string from the input connector “string”

>>> from mapteksdk.workflows import (WorkflowArgumentParser,
...                                  StringConnectorType)
>>> parser = WorkflowArgumentParser()
>>> parser.declare_input_connector("string", StringConnectorType)
>>> parser.declare_output_connector("reversed", StringConnectorType)
>>> parser.parse_arguments()
>>> parser.set_output("reversed", parser["string"][::-1])
classmethod type_string()
classmethod from_string(string_value)
classmethod to_json(value)
classmethod to_default_json(value)

Converts the value to a json serializable default.

This allows for specifying a different representation for default values. The output of this function should not include lists.

Overwrite this function to raise an error to indicate that default values are not supported.

By default this calls to_json.


String representation of value.

Return type


  • TypeError – If value is not a supported type.

  • ValueError – If value is the correct type but an invalid value.

class IntegerConnectorType

Bases: mapteksdk.workflows.connector_type.ConnectorType

Connector type corresponding to Integer on the workflows side and int on the Python side. Passing the connector type as int is equivalent to passing this to declare_input/output_connector.


This example creates a workflow component with an Integer input and output connector. The output connector “new_count” is set to the value of the input connector “count” plus one.

>>> from mapteksdk.workflows import (WorkflowArgumentParser,
...                                  IntegerConnectorType)
>>> parser = WorkflowArgumentParser()
>>> parser.declare_input_connector("count", IntegerConnectorType)
>>> parser.declare_output_connector("new_count", IntegerConnectorType)
>>> parser.parse_arguments()
>>> parser.set_output("new_count", parser["count"] += 1)
classmethod type_string()
classmethod from_string(string_value)
classmethod to_json(value)
classmethod to_default_json(value)

Converts the value to a json serializable default.

This allows for specifying a different representation for default values. The output of this function should not include lists.

Overwrite this function to raise an error to indicate that default values are not supported.

By default this calls to_json.


String representation of value.

Return type


  • TypeError – If value is not a supported type.

  • ValueError – If value is the correct type but an invalid value.

class DoubleConnectorType

Bases: mapteksdk.workflows.connector_type.ConnectorType

Connector type corresponding to Double on the workflows side and float on the Python side. Passing the connector type as float is equivalent to passing this to declare_input/output_connector.


This example sets the value of the output connector “x_over_2” to the value of the input connector “x” divided by two.

>>> from mapteksdk.workflows import (WorkflowArgumentParser,
...                                  DoubleConnectorType)
>>> parser = WorkflowArgumentParser()
>>> parser.declare_input_connector("x", DoubleConnectorType)
>>> parser.declare_output_connector("x_over_2", DoubleConnectorType)
>>> parser.parse_arguments()
>>> parser.set_output("x_over_2", parser["x"] / 2)
classmethod type_string()
classmethod from_string(string_value)
classmethod to_json(value)
classmethod to_default_json(value)

Converts the value to a json serializable default.

This allows for specifying a different representation for default values. The output of this function should not include lists.

Overwrite this function to raise an error to indicate that default values are not supported.

By default this calls to_json.


String representation of value.

Return type


  • TypeError – If value is not a supported type.

  • ValueError – If value is the correct type but an invalid value.

class BooleanConnectorType

Bases: mapteksdk.workflows.connector_type.ConnectorType

Connector type corresponding to Boolean on the workflows side and bool on the Python side. Passing the connector type as bool is equivalent to passing this to declare_input/output_connector.


This example sets the output connector “not x” to be the inverse of the value passed to the “x” input connector.

>>> from mapteksdk.workflows import (WorkflowArgumentParser,
...                                  IntegerConnectorType)
>>> parser = WorkflowArgumentParser()
>>> parser.declare_input_connector("x", BooleanConnectorType)
>>> parser.declare_output_connector("not x", BooleanConnectorType)
>>> parser.parse_arguments()
>>> parser.set_output("not x", not parser["x"])
classmethod type_string()
classmethod from_string(string_value)
classmethod to_json(value)
classmethod to_default_json(value)

Converts the value to a json serializable default.

This allows for specifying a different representation for default values. The output of this function should not include lists.

Overwrite this function to raise an error to indicate that default values are not supported.

By default this calls to_json.


String representation of value.

Return type


  • TypeError – If value is not a supported type.

  • ValueError – If value is the correct type but an invalid value.

class CSVStringConnectorType

Bases: mapteksdk.workflows.connector_type.ConnectorType

Connector type coresponding to CSV String on the workflows side and list on the Python side. Passing the connector type as list is equivalent to passing this to declare_input/output_connector.


This example filters out every second element in the list from the input connector “values” and sets the filtered list to the output connector “second_values”.

>>> from mapteksdk.workflows import (WorkflowArgumentParser,
...                                  CSVStringConnectorType)
>>> parser = WorkflowArgumentParser()
>>> parser.declare_input_connector("values", CSVStringConnectorType)
>>> parser.declare_output_connector("second_values", CSVStringConnectorType)
>>> parser.parse_arguments()
>>> parser.set_output("second_values", parser["values"][::2])
classmethod type_string()
classmethod from_string(string_value)
classmethod to_json(value)
classmethod to_default_json(value)
class DateTimeConnectorType

Bases: mapteksdk.workflows.connector_type.ConnectorType

Connector type corresponding to Date Time on the Workflows side and datetime.datetime on the Python side. Passing the connector type as datetime.datetime is equivalent to passing this to declare_input/output_connector.

This does not currently support defaults.


This example adds 24 hours to the time from the input connector “today” and sets that time to the output connector “tomorrow”. Note that this may not give the same time on the next day due to daylight savings start/ending.

>>> import datetime
>>> from mapteksdk.workflows import (WorkflowArgumentParser,
...                                  DateTimeConnectorType)
>>> parser = WorkflowArgumentParser()
>>> parser.declare_input_connector("today", DateTimeConnectorType)
>>> parser.declare_output_connector("tomorrow", DateTimeConnectorType)
>>> parser.parse_arguments()
>>> tomorrow = parser["today"] + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
>>> parser.set_output("tomorrow", tomorrow)
classmethod type_string()
classmethod from_string(string_value)
classmethod to_json(value)
classmethod to_default_json(value)
class Point3DConnectorType

Bases: mapteksdk.workflows.connector_type.ConnectorType

Connector type representing a 3D point in workflows.

An input connector of this type will return a numpy array of floats with shape (3, ) representing the point in the form [X, Y, Z].

Default values can be specified using any iterable as long as its length is three and all values can be converted to floats, though list or numpy arrays are generally preferable.

Given a script called “” with an input connector of type Point3DConnectorType called “point”, to pass the point [1.2, 3.4, -1.3] via the command line you would type:

>>> py --point=(1.2,3.4,-1.3)


This example sets the output connector “inverted_point” to the inverse of the point from the input connector “point”.

>>> from mapteksdk.workflows import (WorkflowArgumentParser,
...                                  Point3DConnectorType)
>>> parser = WorkflowArgumentParser()
>>> parser.declare_input_connector("point", Point3DConnectorType)
>>> parser.declare_output_connector("inverted_point", Point3DConnectorType)
>>> parser.parse_arguments()
>>> parser.set_output("inverted_point", -parser["point"])
classmethod type_string()
classmethod from_string(string_value)
classmethod to_json(value)
classmethod to_default_json(value)

Converts the value to a json serializable default.

This allows for specifying a different representation for default values. The output of this function should not include lists.

Overwrite this function to raise an error to indicate that default values are not supported.

By default this calls to_json.


String representation of value.

Return type


  • TypeError – If value is not a supported type.

  • ValueError – If value is the correct type but an invalid value.