System Preferences
System preferences is a group of administrative tools for configuring users and managing system events. To open system preferences, click on in the system management bar.The following items are included:
Manage existing users or add and remove users. Roles are also assigned to users in the page. To learn more, see Users. |
Manage roles that you will assign to users in this page. Create new roles and assign specific permissions to each role. To learn more, see Roles. |
Review system activity as it is recorded, or viewed historically. To learn more, see System Logs. |
Search for and view the list of events that have occurred. This powerful facility allows you revert events such as material movements and many other user, or system based transactions, operating like an undo command. To learn more, see Event Manager. |
In this page, users can update their passwords, and configure their personal telemetry settings. To learn more, see User preferences. |
Click this button to log out of MaterialMRT. After you are logged out, the login page is loaded. |
A user is an individual that has access to MaterialMRT. This is normally achieved through the organisation’s network domain credentials. Access is administered by the mine site IT personnel. A user can then be allocated one or more Roles by an administrator. The allocation of roles determines which permissions and pages can be accessed.
Note: You may need specific permissions to access or use certain buttons or controls. Seek help from your system administrator if your role is lacking access to a required function. To learn more about roles and permissions, see Roles in System Management Bar > System Preferences.
Users panel controls
This panel allows you to assign Roles to individual users. When a role is assigned to the user, permissions associated with that role are inherited. Users are listed in the left-hand pane and roles assigned in the right-hand panel.
The individual settings are as follows:
Function | Description |
Show Inactive (users) |
Click the toggle to enable the Show Inactive state. When enabled, the toggle is green . |
Users |
Click on a user to select it. The user’s domain\username is shown in the information panel, along with a toggle for setting the user’s active/inactive status and the assigned roles. |
Active |
Set toggle to Active . The user has access to MaterialMRT with their designated permissions. Set the toggle to the Inactive position . The user won’t have access to the system. |
Roles |
A list of roles is shown in the user’s information pane. Select the roles pertinent to the type of operator that fits the user. To select a role, click in its check box to set it to its checked state, e.g. . |
Update | Click when changes are made. |
Revert |
Click to cancel any changes that were made. |
Logging into the system.
To use MaterialMRT, you must first login. Refer to Signing into MaterialMRT and follow the instructions therein.
Assigning roles to a user
- Locate the user to be edited in the list pane and click on it.
- Set the user to Active if required.
- In the Roles panel, click on the required check boxes as required.
- Click to accept and save your changes
The Roles panel allows an administrator to create, define and allocate roles. Roles control the permissions attributed to a particular role, for example, an Administrator has all available permissions assigned to it. By comparison, a WebUser only has permission to view PagesGeneral, which limits that user to viewing certain pages.
The Roles panel consists of the Roles list pane and the Permissions pane. Permissions are assigned to given role and roles are assigned to the user.
Roles panel elements
Function | Description |
Roles |
View the list of available roles. A default list is provided for administration and quick deployment of MaterialMRT. Administrators may alter the permissions allocated to the selected role. |
Use this button you can create a new role. See Adding a new role and assigning permissions. |
Click to delete the selected account. |
Deleting a role with administrator permissions may disable access to core administrator functions. Avoid deleting the Administrator account.
Permissions |
Review, allocate, and revoke permissions to a role using the check box. |
Click this button to save changes made in the Roles panel. |
Click this button to undo changes made in the Roles panel. |
Adding a new role and assigning permissions
Click on , a new information pane opens.
In the Name* field, type in the name for the role.
In the Permissions list, select the permissions you want to allocate.
Click on (on the bottom-right corner of the information pane) to save the new role. The new role is added to the bottom of the list.
System Logs
The Logs panel records server activity through MaterialMRT . Activities such as server requests and responses as well as application-based logs are accumulated in this repository. Logs are derived from two sources: The WebHost and Engine. The WebHost is HTTP traffic and the Engine is associated with the application server. All activities are logged in real time and is represented in the Latest Mode view. Historical Mode is used for filtering log data over a set time range, refer to Latest Mode/Historical Mode drop-down list.
Filtering information in the log panel
The following categories may be filtered while viewing in Latest Mode:
Function | Description |
Severity |
Click on its drop-down list to select which categories are displayed. Unselected categories are filtered from the list. |
Source |
Select between Engine ( application level) or WebHost (web-server level) sources. |
Sort order (for Time, Severity or Message) |
Click on the corresponding column’s header to reverse the sort order . When clicking on the Message column header Engine logs are included in this list.
Search Message |
Type in this field to perform a phrase search. All columns are included in this search. |
Latest Mode / Historical Mode |
Click on the drop-down arrow to select between modes. See Latest Mode / Historical Mode drop-down list. |
Use the date picker in historical mode to select a time range then click on the search button to generate the filtered log. |
List columns and Items
Refer to the table below for a description of the following:
Function | Description |
Time | Date and time of the log entry |
Severity | Indicates the status of the log using symbols indicating their severity, i.e. Information, Warning, Error, and Fatal. |
Message | Displays the log text |
Latest Mode / Historical Mode drop-down list
Select either of the two modes depending on time scale involved. Latest mode provides near-real-time updates as new entries are created. The latest entries appear at the top of the list in chronological order unless the sort order is changed in any of the log table’s columns, see Filtering information in the log panel. Historical Model allows you to filter log files based on a date range which is customisable. Further filtering may be applied to narrow down the search as described in Filtering information in the log panel.
Event Manager
The event manager logs system activity, this includes user interactions, system, and scheduled events.Some typical examples include recorded analyser and lab results, user activities such as changing preferences or modifying information, and real-time activities such as trips and schedules.
Filtering log data
There are several ways that data can be filtered by doing either of the following:
- Enter a keyword in the Search Events field to narrow down matching entries.
- Use the Date Range calendar picker to narrow your search to a period of time. Select a preset period or a custom range, then click .
- Toggle Show Reverted Events to show or hide reverted events. When enabled, reverted events are listed in chronological order with struck-through text
- Clicking on any column header to change the sort order (Chronological-latest / A-Z / Z-A).
Examining expanded data
Detailed information for any event can be viewed in the form of a fly-out panel. To reveal this panel, hover the mouse pointer over an entry in the id column. This panel will remain visible for as long as the mouse remains over that entry. There are not interactive controls for this panel.
Reverting an event
Reverting removes an event that previously occurred. When an event is reverted, MaterialMRT forces a rewind to the event time and replays all other events. Sequential events relating to the reverted event, such as trips, are not processed. One or more events may be reverted to update or correct information, or to undo changes performed by a user. For example a stockpile is erroneously cleared and needs to be restored. To revert an event, follow these steps::
Select one or more event using the checkboxes. The Revert button a the top-right of screen becomes green.
- Click , a dialog box opens.
In the Justification field, enter the reason for the revert action . Click to complete the transaction or .abort
Note: After executing a revert, MaterialMRT will rewind back to the date of the reverted event. During this time, a series of notifications can be displayed at the bottom of screen as downstream events are replayed.
Exporting events
Events can be exported to an external file as an Event Store Archive. This file is a .zip file containing the entire event log, or filtered subset, and files associated with those recorded events. The event export archive can be applied to another MaterialMRT instance.
To create an Event Store Export file, click located near the top right-hand side of the page. A progress indicator appears while the event store archive is generated.
User Preferences
User Preferences page is a user-level facility. To open this page click in the system management bar, then select . In the page, a user can do the following:
Update Password section: In this section, you can update your password. Simply type in your new password in the New Password field, and re-enter the same password into the Confirm Password field. Your password must meet these minimum requirements:
Your password must have at least 8 characters
You must use at least one upper-case and one lower-case letter.
You must use at least one number.
When you have entered your password and confirmation, click to save your password.
Telemetry section: In this section, you can decide what anonymous date is shared with Maptek as follows:
- Send usage data. Enable this toggle to allow MaterialMRT to send anonymous usage data to Maptek for the purpose of improving user experience.
- Personalise usage data: Enable this toggle to allow personalised usage data to be sent to Maptek. For more information, click on the End User License Agreement and Privacy Notice links to learn more.
Click to save your changes.
Log Out
To log out of MaterialMRT, expand the system configuration menu (), and select . After logging out, you are returned to the account login page.