Filter by Plane

Use Filter by plane to define 3D planes and remove points on one side of the plane. This is useful for removing points above or below specific elevations, or for indoor scenes to remove ceiling points for better visualisation.

  1. On the Position and Filter ribbon tab navigate to the Filter group. From the Filters drop-down list select Plane.

  2. Choose how to define the Plane from the drop-down list. (The default is set to Axis aligned).

The Plane options are:

  • Three points: Define the plane by specifying three points.
  • Point and normals: Define the plane by specifying one point and defining its normal direction.
  • Point and orientation: Define the plane by specifying one point and orienting the plane so the current view is looking at it.
  • Facet and offset: Pick a triangle to define the plane's orientation, and then specify how far above/below that facet the plane should be.
  • Point, strike and dip:Define the plane by specifying a point and then providing dip/strike angles to specify the orientation of the plane through that point.
  • Axis aligned: Picks an axis pair such as X, Y to define the plane and then specify a point to define the offset along the other axis.
  • Action plane: Use the action plane of the current view.

  1. Select Keep points above plane to keep the points above the defined plane. If not selected, the points above the plane will be filtered out and points below will be visible.

  2. Select the required Filter combination.

    An example of a plane will display where the points will be filtered out.

  1. Click OK or Apply.

    An example of filtering by plane and keeping points above the plane.

Note:  The points can be recovered using the Show All option.