Context Menus

Context menus are accessed by right-clicking. The displayed menu is context sensitive, i.e. it relates only to the object that is clicked on.

The displayed menu will vary, depending on the objects selected at the time.

Below is a sample list of some of the main context menus.

Project explorer

View window background

View window object 

Project explorer

Right-clicking an object in the project explorer displays the following context menu:

  1. View 'object name': Opens a view window displaying the selected object(s).
  2. View 'object name' in Current View: Adds the object to the currently displayed view window.
  3. Send 'object name' to: Forwards objects and containers to a named view, or to a dialog box field if a suitable dialog is displayed.
  4. Remove 'object name' from View: Removes the selected object from a view window only.
  5. Cut: Saves selected objects or primitives to the clipboard and removes them from the view window.
  6. Copy: Copies selected objects or primitives to the clipboard.
  7. Paste: Pastes the clipboard contents to the selected location.
  8. Delete 'object name': Deletes the selection without saving.
  9. Rename: Rename the selected object or primitive.
Note:  It is not possible to rename standard (blue) containers, instead a secondary (yellow) container is created and the container contents are transferred.
  1. Rename Selection...: Rename the contents of the selection. Options include a simple replacement name template, or a find and replace process. Auto -numbering is included.
  2. Sort: Organises the container contents alphabetically.
  3. New container: Creates a new secondary (yellow) container.
  4. Insert Selection into New Container: The highlighted objects will be moved into a new secondary container.
  5. Properties of 'object name': Displays the properties of the selected object in the Report Window. Select Properties twice to access the full properties.

  • Sort: Organises the container contents alphabetically.
  • New container: Creates a new secondary (yellow) container.
  • Properties of 'object name': Displays the properties of the selected object in the Report Window. Select Properties twice to access the full properties.

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View window background

Right-clicking in the background of a view window displays the following context menu:

  • OK: Completes the current menu option within the current focus.
  • Cancel: Cancels the menu option within the current focus.
  • Hide selected: Hide the selected data.
  • Hide all except selected: Hide all data except selected data.
  • Show last hidden: Displays the last data hidden from the view window.
  • Show all hidden: Displays all data hidden within the view window.
  • Add selection to view: Load selected object into the view window.
  • Remove selection from view: Remove selected object from display in the view window.
  • Remove all except selection from view: Leave only selected object(s) on display in the view window.
  • Show axes: Makes the axes visible or invisible in the view window.
  • Show action plane: Display the action plane in the view window.
  • Spin animation: Makes the view (when changed) spin, which is useful when preparing multimedia output.
  • Back: Moves the view to the previous view position. Select Forward to return the view to its original position. (If you accidentally bump the view out of place then Back and Forward work like undo and redo for the view position.)
  • Forward: Returns the view to its previous position after using the Back option.
  • Previous action plane:  Display the previous action plane that was used in a sequence of action plans used in the view window.
  • Next action plane: Display the next action plane that was used in a sequence of action plans used in the view window.
  • View properties: Used to alter various properties of the view, such as appearance and location of the axes, background colour, render sizes of points, lines, and scale of data in the view.

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View window object

Right-clicking on data in a view window displays the following context menu:

The options displayed will vary depending on the type of data clicked on.

Options for a scan with an image Options for a scan without an image
  • OK: Completes the current menu option within the current focus.
  • Cancel: Cancels the menu option within the current focus.
  • Hide 'object name': Hides the data that was right-clicked on. To show the hidden data, right-click and select Show last hidden.
  • Hide all except 'object name': Hides all data except the object that was right-clicked on. To show the hidden data, right-click and select Show last hidden.
  • Remove 'object name' from view: Remove selected object from display in the view window.
  • Remove all except 'object name' from view: Leave only selected object in the view window.
  • View scan from origin: View the data from the scanner setup location. This helps to identify line-of-sight limitations.
  • Extract Annotation: Extract annotation created with Scanner Controller 3.6 and above. Annotations appear in the cad container.
  • Display panoramic data: Displays a photo of the view from the scanner (if the scanner has a camera and an image has been captured).
  • Attributes: Assign an attribute or add by selecting either Object Attributes... or Point Attributes....
  • Edit: Displays edit options appropriate to the type of object or primitive clicked on.
  • Query: Displays tools to report information about objects or primitives. Click here for more information on locating reflectors.
  • View: Displays view options appropriate to the type of object or primitive clicked on.

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