R3 scan file name convention

When a scan is acquired from an R3 scanner, it is saved to a file named using a systematic scheme that encodes information about the scan.

The filename of a scan acquired from an R3 scanner has the following general form:

<name>_<speed><data><resolution><levelling><points>_<iteration>.r3s, where each component is defined as follows:


For defined name scans, this is simply the scan name entered during setup.

For survey jobs, this takes the following form:

<job>_<location>_<backsight>, where

  • <job> is the name of the survey job, and matches the name of the survey job file

  • <location> is the name of the scanner location, i.e. the survey station name in the given survey job

  • <backsight> is the backsight name or bearing type. If the scanner was backsighted to a survey station in the survey job, this will be the name of that backsight. For multiple backsight jobs, this will be set to 3BackSights. Otherwise, this will be set to compass or gpsTrack.

A scan filename with the prefix 20240321 mtcarbo_ss31_compass indicates that the scan relates to the survey job named 20240321 mtcarbo, with its location set to survey station ss31, and had its bearing set to the internal compass bearing.


The acquisition speed, expressed as an abbreviation indicating how many times faster the speed is compared to normal speed. The possible values are as follows:

  • 1x = Normal

  • 2x = Fast (twice normal speed)

  • 4x = Rapid (4 times normal speed)

  • 8x = Ultra (8 times normal speed)


The type of data acquired, as follows:

  • C indicates a combination of range and photo data

  • R indicates range data only

<resolution> The point density setting, either 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16.

The type of level correction applied, as follows:

  • L means the scanner was level (within 5° of vertical), and fine levelling was enabled.

  • U mean the scanner was unlevel (more than 5° off vertical), or coarse levelling was enabled.


Scan point selection, as follows:

  • -F = First

  • -B = Best

  • -L = Last

  • -A = All

<iteration> This is a numerical suffix to ensure unique filenames for repeat scans, starting at 01.
r3s The filename suffix used to identify scans from R3 scanners.

Scans acquired with this naming convention can be registered to the survey reference stations within PointStudio.


A scan file named 20240321 mtcarbo_ss32_ss21_4xC1L-B_01.r3s indicates the following:

  • The scan relates to the survey job named 20240321 mtcarbo, with its location set to survey station ss32, and was backsighted to the survey station named ss21.

  • 4x means the scan was acquired with the Scan Mode set to Rapid.

  • C means both range and photo data were acquired.

  • 1 means the Point Density setting was set to 1.

  • L means fine levelling was applied.

  • -B means the Points setting was set to Best.

  • _01 means it was the first scan taken with these settings.


A scan file named scan_2xR4U-F_02.r3s indicates the following:

  • The scan was a defined name scan using the name scan.

  • 2x means the scan was acquired with the Scan Mode set to Fast.

  • R means only range data was acquired (no photographic image).

  • 4 means the Point Density setting was set to 4.

  • U means either coarse levelling was applied, or the scanner was more than 5° off vertical.

  • -F means the Points setting was set to First.

  • _02 means it was the second scan taken with these settings.

Note:   If a scan could only be partially completed, for example, because the scanner lost power mid-scan, the suffix _Incomplete will be appended to the filename.