Saved selections

Source file: saved-selections.htm

Saved selections are used to recall commonly used or important objects. Saving a selection records the objects currently selected in a view window so they can be reselected later. The objects in a selection must be loaded in the active view window before they can be recalled.

Saving a selection

  1. Load the required objects in a view window.

  2. Right-click in the view window, hover over Saved Selections then click Save Selection.

    Saved selections are listed under the Saved Selections menu. Selections saved in this manner are named according to the objects selected.

    • Where a selection consists of multiple objects, the selection is named <quantity> objects.

    • Where a saved selection already exists with the same name, the new selection’s name will be appended with a number. Numbers will be applied in sequence for subsequent selections of the same name.

Loading a saved selection

To load a saved selection:

  1. Ensure the objects in the selection are loaded in the active view window.

  2. Right-click in the view window, hover over Saved Selections and click on the required selection.

All objects making up the saved selection will be selected.

Managing saved selections

To manage saved selections:

  1. Load the required objects in a view window, and position the camera as required.

  2. Right-click in the view window, hover over Saved Selections then select Manager....

Apply the following options, as required:

  • Enter a new name for the saved selection in the Name field.

  • Click to save the current selection. The new selection will be added to the Saved Selections name list.

  • Select a plane in the list then click to remove it from the list.

  • Import or export selections using the and buttons. Click either button to open a browser window. Browse to the save location. Selections are saved with the file extension .sel.