Customer Support
Source file: customer-support.htm
If you need additional assistance or wish to provide feedback to Maptek, click the button and select Request
Support, Suggest Feature, or Report Bug, as appropriate from the drop-down list.
Complete the dialog that appears, as follows:
Enter your valid email address. If you are logged in to Maptek Account, your email address will be automatically filled in.
Enter your Phone Number and select Request phone support if you want a call back from the support team.
In the Subject field, type in a brief description of your enquiry.
From the Application drop-down list, select PointStudio, if it is not already selected.
In the Description box, type in a detailed description of the problem, suggestion, or support required. Include details such as:
What PointStudio version are you using?
- What outcome do you want to achieve?
When did the problem occur?
How frequently does the problem occur?
Has the problem occurred with any other versions?
Has the problem occurred for any other users?
Any other relevant details.
to take a screenshot to include a screen capture. For multiple screen shots, repeat for each screen.
To attach a previously taken screen capture, click the
button and navigate to your image.
Click Send.
Check the report window to confirm that the feedback was successfully sent.
Check your email client for a confirmation email.
Each feedback received is assigned a reference number to use in all future correspondence regarding this issue. You can find the reference number in the subject header of the confirmation email.
If feedback could not be sent, the Unsent feedback dialog box will appear. Select one of the following options:
- Try again later will automatically send your feedback on application start-up at least one day later.
- Abandon will delete any unsent feedback.
- Manual will save your feedback to a nominated directory that you can email later.
Alternatively, if you require more comprehensive software support, send an email to or visit Maptek Support.