Keyboard Shortcuts

Tip:  Download a printable copy of PointStudio Keyboard Shortcuts


Action Shortcut
Import data Alt+F2
Export data Alt+F3


Copy Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y



Project explorer

Action Shortcut
Expand / collapse selected container + / -

View selection in active view

Rename selected object F2

Selection toolbar

  Action Shortcut
Selection types Hands-free manipulation `
Select objects 1
Select points 2
Select edges 3
Select facets 4
Select cells 5
Select blocks 7
Selection region modes

Cycle selection mode

Rectangle Shift+1
Polygonal Shift+2
Freehand Shift+3
  Suspend selection highlighting Pause

Selection operations

  Action Shortcut
Object selection
Select all in active view Ctrl+A
Invert selection I
Delete selection Delete,
Primitive selection
Select all Ctrl+A
Smart select Ctrl+S
Flood select Ctrl+Alt+S
Invert selection I
Delete selection Delete,
Crop Alt+D,
  Clear selection Ctrl+Space

View window

Action Shortcut
View selection (new view) Ctrl+N
View selection (active view) Ctrl+Alt+N
New empty view Ctrl+Shift+N
Tile and tie view Ctrl+ B
Toggle full screen F11


Action Shortcut
View from top (x2 zoom extents) End
Zoom to selection L
Set viewpoint Shift+K
Set centre of rotation C

Toggle axis visibility


Toggle spin animation


Set spin animation rotation and speed

Alt+left drag
Toggle projection mode 8
Previous camera position B
Next camera position F

Object visibility

Action Shortcut
Show/hide visibility editor V
Hide selected objects H
Hide picked objects H+click
Hide all unselected objects Shift+H
Show last hidden objects J
Show all hidden objects Shift+J

View manipulation

  Action Shortcut
Z-Up Z
Look from K
Plan View P
Screen S
Rotate () Coarse rotate
Fine rotate Shift+
Pan () Coarse pan Alt+
Fine pan Alt+Shift+
Pan () Coarse pan
Fine pan Shift+


Action Shortcut

Decrease/increase point size

- / +

Decrease/increase line width

9 / 0
Cycle render mode G
Show scan extents Ctrl+Alt+X

Cycle bounding box visibility

Toggle headlight Alt+3
Toggle left light Alt+4
Toggle right light Alt+5
Toggle Eye-dome lighting Alt+6

Increase/decrease light brightness

U / Y

Pick modes

Action Shortcut
Toggle 2D/3D pick mode X
Project picked point to action plane Shift+click
Disable snap targets Ctrl+click

Action plane and sections

Action Shortcut
Move action plane to point A+click
Previous action plane Shift+B
Next action plane Shift+F
Show/hide action plane Shift+A
Show/hide action plane manipulator Shift+C
View action plane from the front Home
Step action plane up [
Step action plane down ]
Quick section from two points in plan Ctrl+/
Show/hide the section manager Shift+/
Toggle strip mode /
Step section forward [
Step section backward ]

Query and Filter

  Action Shortcut
Attributes Object properties Ctrl+I
Geometry Query a point Ctrl+P,
Distance between points Ctrl+Alt+D,
Volumes Surface Alt+V
Closed solid Alt+B
Differential solid Alt+J
Filter Show all hidden points Shift+S
Topography Ctrl+T
Minimum separation Ctrl+M

Colour and appearance

Action Shortcut
Greyscale by intensity Ctrl+1
Random by intensity Ctrl+2
Greyscale by intensity, hue by range Ctrl+3
Hue by range Ctrl+4
Yellow to red (hot) by intensity Ctrl+5
Yellow to blue by intensity Ctrl+6
Magenta (monaro) by intensity Ctrl+7
Spectrum by elevation Ctrl+8
Spectrum by intensity Ctrl+9
Random colour by container Ctrl+Alt+2
Random colour by tag value Ctrl+Alt+3
Random colour by grade Ctrl+Alt+4
Uniform colour Ctrl+U
Opacity Ctrl+G
Surface appearance Ctrl+H


Action Shortcut
Create points Alt+P
Create survey points Alt+U
Create smart line F8
Create line F9
Create polygon F10
Create rectangle Alt+[
Create circle Alt+0
Fit a plane Ctrl+K
Fit a line segment Ctrl+J
Fit a circle Ctrl+L
Fit loops F12
2D text annotation Alt+T
2D text label properties Ctrl+Shift+T
Complete sequence Enter
Cancel sequence Esc


Action Shortcut
Translate objects Ctrl+R
Rotate objects Ctrl+E
Toggle translation manipulator Shift+T
Toggle rotation manipulator Shift+R
Split objects in two Alt+Q
Merge objects into one Alt+W


  Action Shortcut
Connect Connect Ctrl+Shift+C
Smart connect Ctrl+O
Disconnect Ctrl+Alt+C
Register By name F4
By time F5
By setup F6
By target detection Shift+F4
By backbearing F7


  Action Shortcut
Surface Topographic Alt+2
Scan Alt+N
Spherical Alt+I
Extrusion Alt+X
Fusion Alt+Y
Loop Alt+Z
Topography Contours Alt+K
Parallel sections Alt+/
Arbitrary sections Alt+\
Repair Close breaks Alt+S
Despike Ctrl+Shift+D
Fill holes Ctrl+Shift+F
Explode Ctrl+Shift+E