
Measure the Distance Between Points

Use the Distance option to measure the straight line distance between nominated points. The Report Window displays the Total length, Plan length (which will differ from the total length if the view has been rotated), bearing and gradient between the two points.


Click Distance Between Points on the Analyse toolbar .


On the Analyse menu, point to Details, then click Distance.

Indicate the first point of the line segment. Any position on the screen can be indicated, that is, you don't need to use an existing point. You can, however, use Snap to Objects or Snap to Points mode to snap onto a specific point. See the Digitise toolbar for details on these modes.

Indicate the next point. The lengths, bearing (of the second point from the first) and gradient are displayed through the Report Window. Continue indicating points. After each point has been indicated, the relevant information displays through the Report Window.

Right-click to exit the option.

Gradients are reported as a ration, angle of inclination (in degrees or gradians depending upon your preference settings) and percentage. Refer to the Full option for a diagram defining gradient and a list of valid gradients.