Geology Appendix A:

File Information


File Name

Advanced Splits Definition file


ASCII Mapfile


Block Slice file


Cell Decluster Specification file


Compositing Specification file


Data Tips Specification file

<database name>.dts

DB2 Conversion file


Density Grid


Drillhole Intercepts Flagging Specification file


English Logs Specification file


Flag Samples Specification file


Geophysics Specification file


Insitu Reserves Calculations


Make-up and Final Carry Data
- Report file
- Summary file


Multiple Label Specifications


Overburden Thickness grid


Phantom Points file


Report Filter file


Sampling Parameters file


Scheme file (Grid Reserves section)


Seam Thickness Grid


Section Resources Dump file


Section Resources Parameters file


Section Resources Report file


Section Resources Spreadsheet file


Section Resources Triangulation


Selection Filters file

<env>.self (used in version 7.5 and earlier of Vulcan)
<env>.slf (used in the current version of Vulcan)

Stratigraphic Horizons file


Structural database
- Library (Isis)
- Headered (Isis)
- Temporary ODBC


where n is a system generated string

Structural database Index


Survey Points file


Survey Stations Library


Translation Table (used by Geostokos)


Washability Curve Specification file


Washability DB Connection Specification file


Washability Graph Plot file


Washability Tables



ext       = file extension
gcode     = geology code
gfi       = grid file identifier
ic        = interpretation code
mfi       = mapfile identifier
mv        = model variable
n         = number
odi       = optional database identifier
poly#     = polygon number
polypart# = polygon part number
proj      = project
section   = section number
tfi       = triangulation model identifier