Sampling Parameters

Common SMP sections


This section allows you to specify which records and fields are used to hold the standard sample data.

The following fields refer to the HEADER record (one per sample group, or blast for blockouts:

HEADER_RECORD (character)

The name of the database header record (one per sample group) Defaults to "HEADER" for a samples database and "GROUP" for a composite database.

NAME_FIELD (character)

The name of the database field containing the sample group name. Defaults to "NAME" for a samples database, "COMPID" for a composite database.

BENCH_FIELD (character)

The name of the DB field containing the bench RL for blockout options. Defaults to "BENCH"

HEIGHT_FIELD (character)

The name of the DB field containing the height of a bench for blockout options. Defaults to "HEIGHT".

The following fields refer to the sample records (one per sample):

SAMPLE_RECORD (character)

The name of the database sample record (one per sample). Defaults to "SAMPLE" for a samples database, "ENTRY" for a composite database.

ID_FIELD (character)

The name of the DB field containing the sample identifier. Defaults to "ID" for a samples database, "DHID" for a composite database.

X_FIELD (character)

The name of the DB field containing the sample X value. This is the mid point X for a composites DB and the collar X for a samples DB. The default is "MIDX" for a composite DB, "X" for a samples DB.

Y_FIELD (character)

The name of the DB field containing the sample Y value. This is the mid point Y for a composites DB and the collar Y for a samples DB.The default is "MIDY" for a composite DB, "Y" for a samples DB.

Z_FIELD (character)

The name of the DB field containing the sample Z value. This is the mid point Z for a composites DB and the collar Z for a samples DB. The default is "MIDZ" for a composite DB, "Z" for a samples DB.

PEN_FIELD (character)

The name of the field controlling the drawing and movement between mid-points. 'Non-zero' value draws whereas 'zero' value moves. The field name can be customised from the Custom Database Format panel.

SX_FIELD (character)

The name of the DB field containing the sample X value for the start of the hole. Not used for blockout. Defaults to "TOPX" for a composite database.

SY_FIELD (character)

The name of the DB field containing the sample Y value for the start of the hole. Not used for blockout. Defaults to "TOPY" for a composite database.

SZ_FIELD (character)

The name of the DB field containing the sample Z value for the start of the hole. Not used for blockout. Defaults to "TOPZ" for a composite database.

EX_FIELD (character)

The name of the DB field containing the sample X value for the end of the hole. Not used for blockout. Defaults to "BOTX" for a composite database.

EY_FIELD (character)

The name of the DB field containing the sample Y value for the end of the hole. Not used for blockout. Defaults to "BOTY" for a composite database.

EZ_FIELD (character)

The name of the DB field containing the sample Z value for the end of the hole. Not used for blockout. Defaults to "BOTZ" for a composite database.

SYMBOL (character)

The name of the DB field containing the symbol name, used for the SAMPLING SYMBOLS ON option. Defaults to "SYMBOL".

SYMSIZ (character)

The name of the DB field containing the symbol size, used for the SAMPLING SYMBOLS ON option. Defaults to "SYMSIZ".

SYMSANG (character)

The name of the DB field containing the symbol angle, used for the SAMPLING SYMBOLS ON option. Defaults to "SYMANG".


This section lists the solid models and associated values to use when flagging the samples database. A number of sections may exist. <flagid> is the users identifier for a particular list.

FLAG_FIELD (character)

The name of the samples database field in which to store the flag value.

SOLIDS (table)

A list of solid triangulations to use in flagging the samples.

VALUES (table)

A list of values with which to flag the samples, has a one to one correspondence with the solids table, ie. those samples falling in the first specified solid are flagged with the first specified value.


This section defines parameters and fields to be used by the SAMPLING IMPORT ATTRIBUTES OPTION. A preprocessing script is required to merge one or more files into a single formatted input format. This format is specified in this section.

SCRIPT (character)

The name of a shell script to be executed to prepare data for matching into the samples database. This script should accept 3 parameters:

List of input files

Directory name

Single output file name

The first two are taken from the FILES= and DIRECTORY= fields respectively, while the 3rd is a temporary file name generated by Vulcan. If not specified the script name defaults to <PROJECT>.amp

DIRECTORY (character)

Name of the directory containing the input (raw data) files for matching. Defaults to the current directory.

FILES (character)

Specifies the input (raw data) files, wildcards may be used. Defaults to <PROJECT>.att

ID_START_COL (numeric)

Start column number for position of the sample ID value in the format output by the merging script. Defaults to 1.

ID_END_COL (numeric)

End column number for position of the sample ID value in the format output by the merging script. Defaults to 10.

ATTR_FIELD (table)

A list of the database fields to be read from the formatted output from the merge script.


Table of start column numbers, in the formatted output from the merge script, for each field specified in the ATTR_FIELD table.

ATTR_END_COL (table)

Table of end column numbers, in the formatted output from the merge script, for each field specified in the ATTR_FIELD table.

ATTR_FTYPE (table)

Specifies the data type for each field specified in the ATTR_FIELD table. Acceptable values are "NUMERIC" and "CHARACTER"


This section is used to specify the display of samples loaded with the sampling and blockout options.

MARKER_TYPE (character)

Sets the type of marker to be displayed for each sample. The marker must be one of "SMALL_CROSS", "MEDIUM_CROSS", or "LARGE_CROSS", otherwise no markers displays.

COLOUR_SCHEME (character)

Name of the colour legend to be used for markers. This legend must exist in the SAMPLES scheme section of the current scheme file.

COLOUR_FIELD (character)

The name of the database field to base the sample display colour on.


If set, only samples in the current window displays.


If set, only samples in the current window will be annotated.

TEXT_FIELD_1 (character)

If defined, the values of this field displays in the top position in the annotation bar of each sample group.

TEXT_FIELD_2 (character)

Similar to TEXT_FIELD_1 but displayed in the second position.

TEXT_FIELD_3 (character)

Similar to TEXT_FIELD_1 but displayed in the third position. This position is to the immediate right of the collar position.

TEXT_FIELD_4 (character)

Similar to TEXT_FIELD_1 but displayed in the fourth position.

TEXT_FIELD_5 (character)

Similar to TEXT_FIELD_1 but displayed in the fifth position.


Defines the default number of decimal places to be used in the annotation bar of each sample group. If this is undefined then the default is 2 decimal places.

TEXT_DECIMALS_1 (numeric)

Defines the number of decimal places to display data in the first position of the annotation bar for each sample group. If undefined, the default defined by TEXT_DECIMALS will be used.

TEXT_DECIMALS_2 (numeric)

Similar to TEXT_DECIMALS_1 but used in the second position.

TEXT_DECIMALS_3 (numeric)

Similar to TEXT_DECIMALS_1 but used in the third position.

TEXT_DECIMALS_4 (numeric)

Similar to TEXT_DECIMALS_1 but used in the fourth position.

TEXT_DECIMALS_5 (numeric)

Similar to TEXT_DECIMALS_1 but used in the fifth position.

TEXT_COLOUR (numeric)

Defines the default colour to be used in the annotation bar of each sample group. If undefined the system default colour is used.

TEXT_COLOUR_1 (numeric)

Defines the colour of the annotation in the first position in the annotation bar of each sample group. If undefined, the default defined by TEXT_COLOUR will be used.

TEXT_COLOUR_2 (numeric)

Similar to TEXT_COLOUR_1 but used in the second position.

TEXT_COLOUR_3 (numeric)

Similar to TEXT_COLOUR_1 but used in the third position.

TEXT_COLOUR_4 (numeric)

Similar to TEXT_COLOUR_1 but used in the fourth position.

TEXT_COLOUR_5 (numeric)

Similar to TEXT_COLOUR_1 but used in the fifth position.

TEXT_FONT (character)

Defines the font to be used for annotating the sample groups. If undefined, the default system font is used.

TEXT_SCALE (character)

Defines the scale to be used for the annotation font. If undefined, the default system scale is used.

TEXT_SIZE (character)

Defines the size to be used for the annotation font. If undefined, the default system size is used.

TEXT_SCHEME (logical)

If specified then the annotation text for samples will be drawn using the same colour legend as used to colour the crosses for the samples. This will override the colours given in the TEXT_COLOUR_* values.

ASK_FOR_TEXT (logical)

If set, forces the request for annotations when the samples are loaded.

DIP_FIELD (character)

Name of the field to be used for determining the dip so as to display an orientated structural symbol at the sample location.

DIPDIR_FIELD (character)

Name of the field to be used for determining the dip direction for a sample.


Specify the length of the strike bar. The default is 1.0.


Specify the colour of the strike bar. The default is the default system colour.

LABEL_POINTS (logical)

If set, then points will be labelled as per ANALYSIS LABEL POINTS.


If set then the module looks for selection criteria to select which samples to display.

SELECT_WFIELD (character)

The numeric field in the samples DB that is used by the selection parameters.

SELECT_SFIELD (character)

The character field in the samples DB that is used by the selection parameters.

DRAW_LINES (logical)

If specified then samples will be drawn as lines instead of just points.

LINE_TYPE (numeric)

The line type number to use when displaying samples as lines.

The following fields are only used by the blockout options. When using the sampling options with legends containing these fields they are ignored.


If set, then no linked blasts will be loaded.


If set, the current blocks (if available) will be loaded and displayed along with the sample data.


If set, the current outlines (if available) will be loaded and displayed along with the sample data.


If set, the current lines (if available) will be loaded and displayed along with the sample data.

<GROUP>_BLOCKS (logical)

If set, the <GROUP> blocks (if available) will be loaded and displayed along with the sample data.

<GROUP>_OUTLINES (logical)

If set, the <GROUP> outlines (if available) will be loaded and displayed along with the sample data.

<GROUP>_LINES (logical)

If set, the <GROUP> lines (if available) will be loaded and displayed along with the sample data. (<GROUP> is a design group as specified in the DESIGN section.)

ASK_FOR_DESIGN (logical)

If set, forces the request for the design work (ie. lines, outlines and blocks) to be loaded along with the samples.

LAYER_* (character)

Numbered from 1 to 100, these list the other layers that are to be loaded with the current blast. These names can be static or can contain dynamic portions which are generated when loaded. A Vulcan defined variable can be inserted by surrounding it with %"s, eg. "%PROJECT%". The Vulcan variables defined are:

BLAST (name of current blast)

PROJECT (name of current project)

These can then be modified by selecting a subsection of the string value using the,{start}:{end} construct, eg. "%BLAST,2:4%" would extract characters 2 to 4 inclusive of the current blast name.

The resulting string can also be modified by a number of functions of the form "%PACK%". These act on the string generated up to the point they occur in the definition. The functions available are:

  • PACK
    Remove all white space from the string
    Fold all lowercase characters to uppercase
    Fold all uppercase characters to lowercase
  • SUBC
    Substitute characters in the string. All occurrences of a given character will be folded to the new character. This function has the form SUBC({old_char},{ new_char}). Note that the old and new characters must be only a single character each and there should be no additional spaces in the function
    Substitute first string of same characters. The first occurrence of a given character is found and that character and any others the same that immediately follow will be folded to the new character. This function has the form SUBCT({ old_char},{new_char}). Note that the old and new characters must be only a single character each and there should be no additional spaces in the function

Additional to these, the name can also contain a leading environment variable definition, eg. "_VC_SVRAW>". For example, if the current project is "HI" then the string "%PROJECT%topo.00t" would become "HItopo.00t"; "%PROJECT%topo.00t%UPPER%" would become "HITOPO.00T"; "%PROJECT%topo.00t%SUBC(0,_)%" would become "HITOPO.__T"; "%PROJECT%topo.00t%SUBCT(o,_)%" would become "HIt_po.00t"; and "%PROJECT%TOPO.00t%SUBC(., )%%SUBC(0, )%%SUBC(t, )%%PACK%" would become "HITOPO".

Or, if the current blast is "911/090" the string "%BLAST,1:3%*.IO" would become "911*.IO"; and "%BLAST%%SUBC(/, )%%SUBCT(0, )%%PACK%" would become "91190".

GENERATE_TOE (logical)

If set then the toe will be generated by intersecting the triangulation specified by TOPOGRAPHY= parameter with the plane at the level of the bench position of the blast.

TOPOGRAPHY (character)

Sets the name of the surface to be used for the topography. The name of this surface can also be dynamic in the same way as described with the LAYER_* variables above.

TOE_COLOUR (numeric)

Colour of the string to be displayed.

TOE_LINETYPE (numeric)

Line type of the toe string to be displayed.


Each display section may optionally have an associated selection section. This section is created by ticking the "Select Samples to Display" box when designing a scheme using SAMPLING SETUP DISPLAY. Some of the following tables convert to parameter statements if only one value is specified. Each table allows up to 10 entries.


A list of character string values to test against the field specified as the selected by character field in the SELECT_SFIELD field of the <DISPLAYID>_DISPLAY section.

SPECIFIC_W (table)

A list of numeric values to test against the field specified as the numeric field in SELECT_WFIELD field of the <DISPLAYID>_DISPLAY section.