Model to CSV

Export a block model as CSV file

Use the Model to CSV option to export block values to a nominated CSV file. The resulting CSV file can be edited through software packages that are familiar with the CSV format, such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access.

The format of the CSV file is:

Line 1

This line contains the field names of the data in the CSV file. These names consist of seven standard field names (X, Y and Z coordinates of the block centre, X, Y and Z lengths of the block and block volume), and the variable names (there is no limit to the number of variables).

Lines 2, 3, 4

These lines contain information about the variable fields. Line 2 contains the variable description, line 3 the type and line 4 the default value. No data is contained in the first seven fields. The first field of each line does, however, contain the name. For example, field 1 of line 2 contains variable description.

Lines 5...

These lines contain the block data (one line per block). The block centroids are in real world coordinates.

Figure 1 - Extract from a CSV file

You can also use the external program btocsv to export a block model.

Note:  Unlike the File > Export > Export to ASCII option, the Model to CSV option will export text field data as text. Vertical corner offsets, if they exist in the block model, will also be exported to the nominated output file.


On the Block menu, point to Transfer, and then click Model to CSV to display the Block Model to CSV File Transfer panel.

Block model name

Select the block model to export.  The resulting CSV file will be stored in the same directory as the nominated block model. The CSV file will also inherit the name of the block model file. Click the Browse option to nominate a different directory.

The drop-down list contains all block models found within the current working directory. Click Browse to select a file from another location.

Example:  If your block model file is named 'demomodel.bmf', then the resulting file will be named 'demomodel1.bmf'.

CSV output file name

Enter, or select the filename for the CSV file. All output files in the current working directory appear in the listing. Click the Browse option to nominate a different directory.

Export block IDs

Select this check box to export the built-in system block ID to the output file.

Block Selection

This section to define whether all blocks or only specific blocks are exported.

All Blocks

Select this option to export all blocks to the CSV.

Specific Blocks

Select this option to specify the blocks to be exported to the CSV. If you select this option, you must also define one or more of the following selection criteria:

Use block centroids

Select this option to include blocks if the block centroid is in the region. Note the entire block is included.

Proportional cell evaluation

Select this option to include those blocks that touch the region, and evaluate reserves according to the proportion of the block's volume that lies in the region. Proportional cell evaluation calculates and reports the exact proportion of a block in a solid triangulation. When selecting blocks, all blocks that touch the region are selected.

Mask by variable

Select this check box to restrict the blocks by a block model variable. You will need to specify the variable, as well as a particular value.

Example:  To restrict blocks to those where Material equals Ore, select 'Material' as the variable (from the drop-down list) and enter 'Ore' as the value. However, if you require all blocks that do not have this specified value, then enable the Reverse block matching check box. The block model variable may be numeric (for example, the grade variable 'Au') or character (for example, 'Geology') variables.

Use test condition

Select this check box to use a further constraint upon a numeric block model variable, for example, Fe GT 10.0 (iron value greater than 10.0). The maximum size of the condition is 132 alphanumeric characters.

A list of available operators/functions is provided in Appendix B of the Vulcan Core documentation.

Use bounding triangulation

Select this check box to restrict the blocks by a triangulation. You will be required to specify the bounding triangulation. All triangulation files in the current working directory appear in the listing. Click the Browse option to nominate a different directory.

Note:  This option is not applicable to open or 2D triangulations.

Use bounding surfaces

Select this check box to restrict the blocks by bounding surfaces. You will be required to select the upper (top) and lower (bottom) surface triangulations. All triangulation files in the current working directory appear in the listing. Click the Browse option to nominate a different directory.

Use bounding box

Select this check box to restrict the blocks by a box. You will be required to enter the coordinates for the minimum and maximum X, Y and Z values.

Reverse selection

The entire block is included in the slice (blocks are displayed) by default. Check this check box to exclude (not display) the selected blocks in the slice.

Export proportional volume

Select this option to export the proportional volume.

Export Proportional centroid

Select this option to export the proportional centroid coordinates.

Click OK.

The progress of the exporting process displays in a shell window.