
Cancel Changes

Use the Undo option (hotkey CTRL + Z ) to cancel changes made to design objects.

The following changes can be undone:

Changes Menu
Object attributes Design > Attribute Edit
Object point data Design > Point Edit
Link > text data Analyse > Attribute Data (text)
Object creation Design > Create
Object deletion Design > Object Edit
Layer selection Design > Layer Edit
Layer deselection Design > Layer Edit
Window selection View > Windows
Window deselection View > Windows

You can only undo changes to design objects in the currently open design database, i.e. if you load another design database, then you cannot undo any changes made in the previously open one. Any changes that have been undone can be reinstated through the immediate use of the Redo option.

Changes that are undone are stored in the work file ( .wrk ) or in memory (if specified through the Miscellaneous section of the Tools > Preferences option). The actual design database file is updated once the design database is saved.

There are no prompts or panels for the Undo option, however a progress bar displays while Vulcan operations are being undone to allow progress to be monitored. Selection of Undo will undo the last change you made, selecting Undo again will select the previous change and so forth. When using Undo, you must complete options before undo can be used. For example, if you are creating a line you must right-click to end the line creation before using the Undo option.

Note:  Some options allow changes to be made to more than one design object. The Point Edit > Move option for example, allows you to move points on an object, then press Cancel and select another object for moving points. The first Undo will cancel the point moves from the second object, the next Undo will cancel the point moves from the first object, i.e. each object's changes are considered separate changes.