
Map control points define a transformation of design data. These control points consist of two components; the first defines the current position and the second defines the corrected position. Once a series of control points has been created, they can be used to correct the coordinates of selected objects. The purpose of this is to correct distorted maps (usually caused during the reproduction of survey plans) defined by points, strings and polygons.

The translation between a control point and its corrected position does not need to be the same for all control points in a map control point file.

The control points are stored in a Map Control Points file (<proj><name>.mcf). The Map Control Points file, which is a binary file, can be exported to an ASCII file through running the script mcrdump.

mcrdump <proj><name>.mcf <proj><name>.asc

where.asc is the default file extension for ASCII files.

This ASCII file can then be imported using the script mcrload.

To merge control points from two Map Control Points files into a third file, run the script mcrmerge.

mcrmerge <proj><name 1>.mcf<proj><name 2>.mcf <proj><name 3>.mcf.

The scripts are located in the Vulcan/bin area.