Clip By Triangulation

Use the Clip By Triangulation option to clip design data found above or below the boundary of a nominated surface triangulation. For example, you may have a point cloud (representing samples) and a surface triangulation representing topography. You could use this option to only retain those points found within the boundaries and below the topographic surface, deleting all points found above the surface.


On the Design menu, point to Object Edit, then click Clip by Triangulation.

  1. Select the clipping triangulation. The nominated triangulation will be highlighted and you will be asked to confirm that the correct object has been selected.
  2. You will then need to specify whether you want to delete the points found above or below the clipping triangulation.
  3. The Multiple Selection box is then displayed. From the displayed dialog box, nominate a selection method followed by the necessary objects. Once the objects have been chosen, the Multiple Selection box will be redisplayed allowing you to select more objects for clipping. Cancel when you have finished clipping objects.
  4. You will then need to confirm whether or not the points have been correctly deleted.