
Identify a Layer or Object

Use the Identify option to identify an object and obtain coordinates of nominated points as well as identify the layer (including underlays) to which the object belongs.

The object/layer details displayed in the Report Window of Vulcan are:

  • Layer name
  • Layer description
  • Object name
  • Object description
  • Object value
  • Group name
  • Feature name

Upon selection of a point (including construction points), the point details are appended to the object/layers details in the Report Window. The point details are:

  • Point number
  • Point sequence
  • X/Y/Z coordinates
  • W value


On the Design menu, point to Layer Edit, and then click Identify.

Select the object that you want to identify. Once selected, the object is highlighted (unless it is in an underlay) and its details displayed through the Report Window. These details are specified when creating objects, as well as when editing their attributes (through using the options under the Create and Attribute Edit submenus).

Figure 1 : Report Window Output

Once an object have been selected, you can then indicate individual points for identification. When a point is indicated, the X, Y, Z and W values of the point are appended to the details in the Report Window, as well as its name (if one has been applied) and actual point number. The first selected point will be labelled 1. Each subsequent selected point will be incremented by one. Cancel to select another object to identify.

Figure 2 : Report Window Output